Wow, I never realized that I was not getting 1080p the very few times I actually watch something on Netflix in Safari on my MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. Why is Netflix doing two things?
1. Excluding the Mac/macOS from getting 4k/1080p support?
2. Excluding Safari from the browsers that can get 1080p?
-Which I realize really does not matter since they do not support Macs or macOS, but still just curious.
Honestly, I think we should send feedback telling Netflix we want 4k and 1080p on Macs that support it. Or since getting enough people to send feedback is pretty hard, we could start an online petition for Netflix to support 4k/1080p on Mac/macOS.
I mean this is ridiculous of Netflix to do for people who have 1080p screens, 4k+ iMacs, and 4k+ monitors for Mac Pro's.
Studies prove people would rather sign a petition for a cause vs. writing feedback to a company.
Let me know if you guys want me to start an online petition. I am sure we can get plenty of MacRumors members to help support the cause.