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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 18, 2001
Oh my two OS giants. Well this looks like the downfall of Windows. I mean come on we all know that one linux gets its a$$ into gear and makes a gui version it will take over for windows. So AOL time warner the new monopoly makes their own linux based os. Much better then Windows. A bitter fight occurs in court and in public. AOL comes out the winner. Now let us all listen to the Who's won't get fooled again. So we now have the exact same situation except AOL Timewarner is much larger and is spread over a markets from Cable TV to space exploration. AOL begins to expand into politics creating a mechantile nation and eventually forming a union throughout non EU europe and ASIA. The U.S.A. expands into space first the Moon then Mars and soon on. (All powered by new technology developed by Apple and Motorola. 4 major earth pacts form EU,AOL TIME WARNER,U.S.A (Canada,US,Central america),and an Independant nation (the rest of the world (a loosly formed privateer area)). Do I here a novel coming up by yours truly:) . Oh yeah here the Wash. Post aricle [url] [/url]
Poetic Justice

So Microsoft wins the OS War by putting Windows in every box. Wins the Browser War by putting IE in every Windows.

Now AOL fights on both fronts with one simple stroke* Put BOTH in their ISP software! I love watching two heavyweights slug it out...

Wonder what is going to happen to my RedHat stock. I was doing pretty well with my shares. Oh well. I m not a big fan of AOL/time Warrner. and even less of a fan Of MS. This might turn out to be a very bloody war.
i wouldn't take this as good news, try looking at this differently, ms has proven, argue all you want but they have proven that courts can't stop them, and those who try just get a big check to shut them up, did you know apple sued them, apple won too, over 100 million, but it's not talked about much b/c it was kept pretty quiet, now aol steps in, aol has bought out many companies in their effort to move forward because sadly, they are losing customers to cable and dsl. linux already has a gui, which works quite well, not that pretty but it's there, and where do you think aol is gonna head towards, microsoft? hell no, why start a fight that will cost that much. but apple, now apple is actually not as big as everyone thinks and linux already works on it, so aol has a very good idea of looking towards taking over apple's os to make it more windows like. and they have the money to take on apple at any turn, especially with all therre resources, so rather than aol versous ms, you will more see aol versous apple, or worse, aol and ms versous apple. because for ms, a great way to show they have compitition and are not a monopoly is to say that they compete with an equal partner, aol time warner, and you can't fight them any more after that. this could be stratigy for ms.
Never going to happen

That is never going to happen the government would never let that happen I mean look at the problems they were having just trying to merge with time warner. If they did it would make them a monopoly.
okay, red hat and aol join forces, billionaire vs. billionaire.. they fight MS so much that they end up hurting themselves, then apple will win! hehehe
MS, AOL, Apple, huh?

If Apple wants to make ripples, then they'll build a Mac with an AMD/intel chip inside it. Gates might laugh at Apple's feeble attempt at garnering market share, but he'd prolly lose a bit of sleep over it too.

Once the Mac has its apps converted completely to OSX, it's entirely possible...
where do you think aol is gonna head towards, microsoft? hell no, why start a fight that will cost that much. but apple

What would be the point of AOL putting Apple out of business? Absolutely none! Eventually some OS is going head to head with Microsoft in a major way. It's about time.
A third contender

AOL, Microsoft, and Apple.

This is going to be a great show. Hang on for the ride. Products and services will be released by all, prices will be lowered to uncomprehendable levels, those who cannot take the heat will go away. All three will need partners, all three will find new enemies. But who will win? The consumer. AOL has the opportunity to weld the internet and the personal computer into one, Apple is building the digital hub, and Microsoft is venturing into new markets. Sounds like fun.
AOL and technololgy

True enough, mischief. While I would love to see the monetary migh of AOL/Time/Warner take on M$, AOL has never been good at innovation. It's clearly the thing that made their partnership with the former heads of Netscape strained--and eventually broke it (with the NS folks abandoning ship so that they could innovate).

While AOL has the financial might, turning them into a company that can develop Linux into a viable alternative to Windows--with Microsoft throwing obstacles in the way all along--will take some imagination and incredible will. So far AOL has only been able to demonstrate an interest in marketing and making money. While that has served Bill Gates well, it has not served computer users well.

For people to switch to a new OS on their Intel/AMD boxes, it had damn well better run better than the Windows they're currently running. That will require technology development. AOL sucks at that. Hopefully they will not blow this opportunity (as anything that dents the M$ legend potentially elevates Apple's), but I am not optimistic.

Why would we want that?

Originally posted by BurntCalc
MS, AOL, Apple, huh?

If Apple wants to make ripples, then they'll build a Mac with an AMD/intel chip inside it. Gates might laugh at Apple's feeble attempt at garnering market share, but he'd prolly lose a bit of sleep over it too.

Once the Mac has its apps converted completely to OSX, it's entirely possible...

As for me I'd sure hate to see the Mac have an AMD/Intel chip in it...I like having the PowerPC...If it's not better at least it's different and isn't that what Apple is all about...Thinking Different. Besides when they get the G5 out, it is going to dust AMD and Intel!!!
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