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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 3, 2008
Is anyone else having a problem with AOL radio?

I couldn’t get any of my stations to work all morning, so then I reinstalled the app. Now I can’t even get a list of genres/stations to load.

I assume it’s a problem on AOL’s end but you never know…


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2008
Georgetown, Texas
AOL (still) not working?

On an Intel 24" C2D iMac, 10.5.4

After months of successfully using AOL Radio, recently I (too) became unable to log in to AOL Radio. :mad:

Is AOL Radio still having problems or is the issue on this end?

When I launch the app, it begins to update the stations (as normal) and then asks for my password, even though it already is in Keychain. Still, I reenter my password and the app again tries to update the stations, ask for my password ad nauseum.

Your thoughts, suggestions, musings and guesses most welcome.


macrumors newbie
Jun 5, 2000
For Mac users, upgrade to AOL Radio 2.0 Beta

Hey everyone,
I'm glad everyone's enjoying AOL Radio for iPhone. We have an app in beta for the Macintosh - AOL Radio 2.0 for Mac. It's on AOL Beta Central, same great stations you enjoy on the iPhone, now available in a small, Leopard-only application.

Go to: :)

Lee Givens
AOL iPhone/Mac Team


macrumors 68030
Feb 2, 2005
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Works fine for me. Are you talking about EDGE/3G/wifi?
I have been using it regularly on wifi since launch without issue. I have noticed it is not reliable on EDGE.
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