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macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
When should we expect Aperture 2.0 to come out? Before October?

I don't expect a 2.0 for a long, long time.

Upgrades to the left of the dot mean Apple charges money for the upgrade. "Point" upgrades are free. I'm sure Apple decides when to charge for the upgrade based on the market and if they think people will pay. I think Apple is working on market share right now and needs to keep the price down to compete with Adobe Lightroom.

THat said they could come out with a new revision at any time. My guess is after Leopard to take advantage of some new "Leopard Stuff". Maybe Time machine integration?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2003
Montréal (Canada)
Above poster is probably right. The Vault will be useless with Time Machine. Also, it is too early for new release, there are still a lot of improvement to do to the software.

I think the next rev will add even more hooks for developpers to built apps on. I would love to see third party filters added to the list because I dont really like the sharpen and denoise tools. There are so much better alternatives out there!

As I see it, Aperture is a great workshop but is still missing a lot of good tools. If they allow developpers to enter the workshop, it would dramaticaly improve the quality of the product while still maintaining the same environment. I hate switching from one app to the other! So intergration of 3th party plugins is my dream! If would be so cool if we could stich panorama directly in Aperture and controle the settings of each shot individualy or as a group! I dont understand why they havent done it yet, it is so obvious to me, the app already almost do it when you open a lot of shots and place them next to each others!

Anyways, I wouldnt expect a new full version until spring next year at the minimum.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2006
If anyone is tight with an Apple employee...

If anyone intimately knows an Apple employee please step forward so, those of us interested in doing so, can pool our money to bribe said Apple employee into revealing the secret software information.

Thanks in advance. ;)

On a side note:
Seriously, more often than not the general public does not know any details, those who have such knowledge generally are good about keeping secrets, Apple routinely only informs certain people vital to project success and has also been known to plant phoney info. Presumeably the latter is to pinch people and scare the heck out of potential leakers.

The ugly side of this is His Steveness and Apple have been known to bold face lie also. For example, remember all those times when Steve said OS-X will NEVER run on Intel or AMD? Lo and behold, Steve finally came out of the closet and told everyone OS-X has been running on Intel along side PowerPC ever since v10.0. Now that was a shocker.

Not to seem a bit bitter about all this, just being a realist and I am still a self admitted fan.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Aperture will be out on Septober 82nd at -32.1 Z.M. in Los York, United States of Britain.

My uncle knows Steve Jobs, and he told me that.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
Above poster is probably right. The Vault will be useless with Time Machine.

Ehhhh... I have problems with this. First off, will Time Machine be running on the same HDD? If so, the vault is still a good idea. Even if Time Machine is running on a seperate HDD, what about (paranoid) users who backup to multiple places? In this case, vaults are possibly the best way to go about it.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2003
Montréal (Canada)
Ehhhh... I have problems with this. First off, will Time Machine be running on the same HDD? If so, the vault is still a good idea. Even if Time Machine is running on a seperate HDD, what about (paranoid) users who backup to multiple places? In this case, vaults are possibly the best way to go about it.

humm right... Timemachine requires another HD (I have read) but you are right about having more than one backup. Maybe there will be a way to dump the timemachine into a vault...

Right now, the one feature I would like to see (other than panorama support) is white balancee presets like in camera raw.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
No I did... Archive all changes made to the presets and versions made. you could start from the begining and then see the progression of the image thru time and versionning.

Unless they significantly rewrite Aperture and all other applications, I don't see how you are expecting them to be aware of Time Machine's revision tracking from within the application - and that's exactly what would be required for this to work. You can't see the edited versions of your photos from outside Aperture, remember.

That doesn't preclude Apple incorporating this into future revisions of their software; but when Time Machine is released its main utility will almost certainly be from within the Finder.
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