Thanks for the replies.
Since posting, I've received my iPad.
I can confirm that Faces/Places sync fine from Aperture 3.x to the iPad (I currently have about 3300 photos with Place/Face info sync'd to my iPad).
As a matter of fact, this feature on the iPad has driven me to do a better job of adding "Places" to photos that are already in my Aperture database.
The iPad is great for keeping all of my 'Smart albums' on and showing off my travel photos to others. Using "Places", I can go to the world map and zoom-in on a particular trip I've been on in the past (and, if I've been there multiple times, all of the photos for that location are shown (not just a particular trip)).
Of course, I can just go to the "Albums" page and find a trip, but it's sorted chronologically, so I need to remember when I went there to find the trip.
I think the "Albums" page would work much better with some sort of 'folders'. It just has ALL of your albums sorted chronologically. You need to scroll through all of them to find a particular album.
And, your albums should be named something very descriptive.
For example, on an Ireland trip in 2008, I had an album called "Wildlife". It only contains animals from my Ireland trip. Having a top-level "Album" mixed-in with the tons of other albums, and only being called "Wildlife" isn't helpful. I've gone back and renamed it to something like "Ireland 2008 - Wildlife", but that's not ideal, IMO. If I could have an "Ireland 2008" 'folder', then I'd drop "Wildlife" inside (along with several other albums with generic names).
(maybe there's some magic trick on the iPad to get me 'folders' in the "Albums" list, but I haven't found it yet).
Given the limitations of "Albums", I think "Places" is great! I don't really care so much about "Faces", but it's there in case I want it.
Thanks again for the replies!