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Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Great application, and far better than the 1.5.2 version that we had to suffer through before the 2.0 update.

The feature set puts it above what we all expected, but where the hell is the History brush? I find myself going into Photoshop a lot more, even when I just need to use dodge burn, since it has to make a new PSD/TIFF version anyway, I might as well just do the whole edit in PS.

They could have at least given us a History brush! :mad: Okay rant over.

What are some of the other specific features others may want in Aperture, and how to you get around the lack of that feature in either Aperture or other image editing application?

For me, there is no other way but to drag the photo into Photoshop and work it the best way I know how. Adding a history brush or equivalent would be a great addition... as of now, it's going on the still quite long list of features I'd love to see in Aperture/Lightroom/other in their next iteration.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I'd like to see some lens-correction features like the ones in Photoshop.

That and maybe, just maybe curves. And of course less destructive/export TIFF or PSD editing. I am still baffled at how I can't dodge and burn without exporting, and why I can't just pick a certain part of the image to edit without touching the other.


Jan 30, 2006
If you go into Dodge & Burn it do has something like that. Tho I agree it would be nice to have it in addition with the correction brush.

Let's see what Apple has to show us for the next update.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
If you go into Dodge & Burn it do has something like that. Tho I agree it would be nice to have it in addition with the correction brush.

Let's see what Apple has to show us for the next update.

Agreed, and in the Retouch tool would be a great place to put it. Just set the opacity and paint away your blown highlights. Much better than the Recovery tool IMHO.
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