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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to decide how to spend the last $150 of my tax refund, but Apple seems to have solved that problem for me. :)

I've been interested in Aperture (EDU) for a while now, but $249 was just cost-prohibitive for me. I can stomach $149, but I don't want to spend that kind of money and just be disappointed.

I have a 15" PowerBook G4 (1.5GHz G4, 1.5GB RAM, 80GB 4200RPM HDD) and iPhoto '06 is constantly sluggish. Will Aperture outperform iPhoto on my hardware?

I've read a few reviews from people using Aperture on a PowerBook, but does anyone here have any personal experience to share?


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
ChrisBrightwell said:
Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to decide how to spend the last $150 of my tax refund, but Apple seems to have solved that problem for me. :)

I've been interested in Aperture (EDU) for a while now, but $249 was just cost-prohibitive for me. I can stomach $149, but I don't want to spend that kind of money and just be disappointed.

I have a 15" PowerBook G4 (1.5GHz G4, 1.5GB RAM, 80GB 4200RPM HDD) and iPhoto '06 is constantly sluggish. Will Aperture outperform iPhoto on my hardware?

I've read a few reviews from people using Aperture on a PowerBook, but does anyone here have any personal experience to share?


I have Aperture on my 15" rev E PB with 7200 rpm 100 GB hard drive and 2 GB RAM and it works fine. I will say, though, that usually when I'm actually doing editing I use my iMac; I have both PSCS2 and Aperture in the PB for when I'm traveling and more than likely I'd use Aperture just to quickly review images while on the road....

I need to download and install the update in my PB so after I've done that I'll experiment and do a little work in there to get an idea of how speedy or not speedy Aperture is vs CS2....


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2003
Staten Island, NY
I'm in the exact same position - sorely tempted to get Aperture after the price drop, but wondering how the performance will be on my Powerbook (1.67GHz, 80GB 5400rpm drive, 2GB RAM, 128MB Radeon 9700 video card). I really can't justify an upgrade to an MBP for another twelve months or so.

I even went so far as to visit the Apple Store last week, in the hope of getting a trial run on one of the remaining 17" Powerbooks on display (closest match to my hardware). Unfortunately while the display models DID have Aperture installed, they were also configured with only 512MB of RAM, so it wouldn't actually run. :mad:

So please, let's hear more reports about PB Aperture performance!


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
ChrisBrightwell said:
Hi Everyone,
... iPhoto '06 is constantly sluggish. Will Aperture outperform iPhoto on my hardware?

I think it is very certain that iPhoto 06 will seriouly outperform iPhoto 05 on any hardware.

I would think you should look into Aperture if you are shoting RAW format images. I don't know if it has any serious advantages if you are doing JPG in-camera. In other words I'd say get Aperture if you want Aperture's features. If you want a speed boost get iPhoto '06.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
ChrisA said:
I think it is very certain that iPhoto 06 will seriouly outperform iPhoto 05 on any hardware.
I'm pretty sure I said I was using iPhoto '06.

And yes, I know not to bother with Aperture unless I shoot RAW. I'm not a total dummy. :p


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
1.5GB + RAM will help, but Aperture really does eat away at processor power. It will most certainly be useable, but the zippiest performance will come from an Intel Mac. The universal binary update is a free download, so you can buy now, and still use the program if you get something new in the future.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
I am waiting for my NFR copy of Aperture to test on my iMac G5 and my PB G4 12". With the 1.1 update, I hope that it gives Lightroom a good run for the money.

Of the tools I have used and tested, so far Lightroom really rocks. I have not yet had the opportunity to test Aperture.
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