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macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2007
Seattle, WA
is this an old update or when that just came out? I am not on my mac right now, so i can check in an hour when i get back from class. I have never been asked for the cd key when updating before. You might be able to e-mail apple to get your key, I have done this before to get my quicktime pro key, don't know if that works the same for aperture or not, probably depends on if you registered it or not.:apple:


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 1, 2007
San Francisco
is this an old update or when that just came out? I am not on my mac right now, so i can check in an hour when i get back from class. I have never been asked for the cd key when updating before. You might be able to e-mail apple to get your key, I have done this before to get my quicktime pro key, don't know if that works the same for aperture or not, probably depends on if you registered it or not.:apple:

Well its the update they released like a day after leopard came out. If I do a software update it doesn't update aperture but on apples web site they need a key. So I dono.
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