Wow! Thanks a bunch!

Interesting to see that this all works out for you. But it sure doesn't for me. I'm wondering why exactly it is. Perhaps it's because you only have a two-level folder structure in your example and my organisation is more complex and thus confuses the crap out of Aperture / iTunes?
See the attached for an example from my iPad/Aperture. I had to paste the right hand side together from different parts, otherwise it wouldn't fit, but I've arranged it so that its order is correct top to bottom as it would appear in the list in Aperture.
As you can see the order is *completely* random! In some parts, I can almost say it's going by alphabet: Airshow, Aker... but then it goes to "01 - Jan" all of a sudden.
Other parts you could almost say it's going by the order in the Aperture list as you suggest: 03 - March, 04 - April... but then May to July is dumped somewhere else entirely randomly on the iPad's list and "08 - August" is here again. The "01 - Jan" here also comes from a completely different folder altogether.
The whole thing just seems royally screwed to me
Is everyone else getting the order they want on the iPad or just being silently frustrated?
Let us also not forget that the order for pictures themselves *within* the projects are also royally screwed as well. This one Apple even acknowledges: but the "resolution" there is a joke.
Seems like Apple just really doesn't care about the Pro market here.