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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2007
Hello. I am going to be purchasing my first iMac as soon as the new design is released (hopefully Tuesday or shortly thereafter). I have used Lightroom in the past on my current computer but am looking to purchase Aperture with my new computer.

My question: I am curious if, because Aperture was designed by Apple for Apple, if it integrates better with the iMacs than that of Lightroom. Thanks.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2006
Well, it will show content in other parts of iLife unlike LR. For example, you can drag pictures into an iDVD file directly from Aperture or iPhoto. You can also do stuff like set your desktop wallpaper a picture from Aperture in System Prefs. unlike with LR.

Nothing too big. It really depends on which interface you like. I'd say buy your iMac after the update and download the free trial of either. Try them both and choose based on how you like them.

Needless to say, I chose Aperture. :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2007
Thanks for your help!

I have also heard that Aperture can be quite taxing on the system performance unless your computer has the right gear to handle it. I know that Aperture lists "minimum requirements." But I want to hear it from you guys...what system requirements do you recommend to run Aperture smoothly?

Although I am on a budget with my iMac, I want to do it right the first time. It's gotta last me!


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2007
I am using a 2.16GHz 17" MBP w/2GB RAM and the only time that I notice a slowdown is when I am doing batch operations (color correcting mostly) with medium to large (75+) groups of photos. I also like to have PS running along with Aperture, so that probably is a large factor in the slowdown as well.

Another thing that I notice that is a bit slow is when Aperture is loading the hi-res masters after I connect my external (I reference all my photos to external hds). This almost is only cause by the fact that I am using a 2.5" USB powered/connected external and isn't Aperture's fault.

As said above, once you get your new machine, DL both free trials and use them as long as you need to to get a feel for them.


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Aperture is quite taxing on your computer. Mainly the GPU department. For the iMac it shouldn't be too bad, just make sure you get the most RAM you can afford.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
RAM is really important, especially for the number of images. I add more RAM every ~25,000 images. 2GB is definitely the minimum in my view.


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
I run Aperture on a first-gen 2 GHz ProBook with 2 GB RAM and it handles Aperture just fine. At times I have to quit some other RAM-gobbling apps (e. g. Safari), but other than that, it's fine. Make sure to get a Mac with a good graphics card, then you should be fine.

And yes, since Aperture was developed by Apple, it's nicely integrated into the OS, it feels like an Apple app -- because it is.
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