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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
I know that nobody here will know when Aperture plans on supporting my lovely D40x, but do people know what the rough timetable for added support is? I.e., how long after release were the 400D/D40/D80 supported by Aperture. I'm used to importing all of my jpg's into Aperture, and I want to do the same with my RAW.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Or 4......maybe 5.....possibly 6.....

Lets pretend Apple had a planned update in June 2007 (next month). If a camera was released in March, they'd have to wait 3 months for Aperture to support their new camera. If a new DSLR came out May 1st, you'd probably see support for that camera added to Aperture on May 1st, which is only a 1 month wait.

Basically, I'm trying to tell you that by the next Aperture update, you will see an update to Aperture that will ensure your camera is recognised.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Actually it's not Aperture that need updating, it's the core OS ImageIO framework. Apple normally provide these updates via an OSX update (so 10.4.10), but have once released a stand-alone update to this framework for additional camera support.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I know that nobody here will know when Aperture plans on supporting my lovely D40x

Support for the camera is not built into Aperture. Aperture uses Core Image which is released as part of Mac OS X. You will have to wait for an update to Mac OS X. Once this happens then ALL the applications that use core Image will suport the D40x, iPhoto, Preview and so on. These updates seem to hapen frequently, every few months. Note the a new version of Mac OS was just sent to developers.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Support for the camera is not built into Aperture. Aperture uses Core Image which is released as part of Mac OS X. You will have to wait for an update to Mac OS X. Once this happens then ALL the applications that use core Image will suport the D40x, iPhoto, Preview and so on. These updates seem to hapen frequently, every few months. Note the a new version of Mac OS was just sent to developers.

Did you read my post above. I basically said all of this, but I got the framework right. Aperture use CoreImage for image manipulation, but not for image loading. It uses ImageIO for this (as does Preview and iPhoto which is why these updates provide capabilities for these apps too).


macrumors 65816
Is the d40x the only Nikon that uses this funky alternate "NEF" RAW format? That's the issue, right? Apparently you have to use the Nikon software to import the NEF files....

No. The D70 used that same NEF (I'm not sure about any of the others since). The problem is not the file format, but rather support for that particular camera's RAW output.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Is the d40x the only Nikon that uses this funky alternate "NEF" RAW format? That's the issue, right? Apparently you have to use the Nikon software to import the NEF files....

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying; but all Nikons use NEF format. Calling it "funky" is like calling Canon's CRW and CR2 formats "funky" (and why does Canon have TWO different RAW formats?).

New cameras require updates to RAW decoding software, whether its Aperture or Photoshop or Lightroom.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2006
how do you like the D40X? I am considering one or just a D40 to backup my D200.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
how do you like the D40X? I am considering one or just a D40 to backup my D200.

I love my D40x. I would have loved a D200, but the camera was a graduation gift and my parents balked at the price of the D80, let alone the D200! It's a fantastic camera though, I'm loving it. The only drawback's I've found have been the lack of a dedicated LCD screen and commander mode for flash built in. However, with you already having a D200 that's probably not a huge deal!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2004
I love my D40x. I would have loved a D200, but the camera was a graduation gift and my parents balked at the price of the D80, let alone the D200! It's a fantastic camera though, I'm loving it. The only drawback's I've found have been the lack of a dedicated LCD screen and commander mode for flash built in. However, with you already having a D200 that's probably not a huge deal!

I've a D40, and a D80, and I find myself wishing that the D80 didn't have the top LCD....
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