Currently have 10.9.1 on my MacBook Air which will run the latest version of Aperture however I have 10.8.4 on my Mac Pro which runs really well so I don't want to change it at the moment however I have the version before latest of Aperture as latest requires Mavericks. So the problem is when I backup and download images when I'm out when I return home to edit on my Mac Pro Aperture can't open them! Are my devices telling me to switch to Lightroom? What are some of the main advantages & disadvantages between the two programs?
Currently have 10.9.1 on my MacBook Air which will run the latest version of Aperture however I have 10.8.4 on my Mac Pro which runs really well so I don't want to change it at the moment however I have the version before latest of Aperture as latest requires Mavericks. So the problem is when I backup and download images when I'm out when I return home to edit on my Mac Pro Aperture can't open them! Are my devices telling me to switch to Lightroom? What are some of the main advantages & disadvantages between the two programs?