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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 7, 2015
Hi guys, I’m in the process of reinstalling Mojave on an internal SSD, opened disk utility and could see 2 elements in the disk, one that was called something like “AppleAFPSvolume” (or similar) which contained the actual sub-volume called “Mojave”.
I formatted them both (maybe that’s the mistake:rolleyes:) and now no matter what I try I do not get the option to format to AFPS anymore. This is what they look like right now:

Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB Media

/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS untitled 499.8 GB disk0s2

Here is what I’ve attempted so far:

1- tried using disk utility from recovery mode
2- tried using disk utility from multiple OSs
3- tried using terminal (from Sierra) with these commands:

diskutil apfs createContainer /dev/disk0
diskutil apfs addVolume disk0 APFS <newAPFS>
did not recognize APFS verb "createContainer"; type "diskutil apfs" for a list

diskutil eraseDisk JHFS+ dummy GPT disk0
diskutil apfs create disk0s2 MyVolume
did not recognize APFS verb "create"; type "diskutil apfs" for a list

At this stage I’m really stumped:confused:, I guess I need to format the SSD to AFPS for Mojave right? Mac OS extended Journaled is not good enough for Mojave I understand…

Does anyone have a clue?
Thanks in advance…
In DiskUtility there's an option called "show all disks" IIRC.
Once you see the subdivision of the preferred SSD, click on the device itself (not a subvolume) delete it and rename it , choosing APFS .
That's all ;)

This is supposing the MP is booted in HighSierra or higher , if not :APFS is an unknown format...

Quote @michaelrdk :"Mojave will automatically convert to APFS during the installation"
True, but in case you'd like to format an SSD / Blade just for data , a very time-consuming procedure:)
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No, Mojave will automatically convert to APFS during the installation :)
oh ok, didn't know :), is it the same with High Sierra? 'cause I will need to install High Sierra from Sierra and then install Mojave on itself from High Sierra..

In DiskUtility there's an option called "show all disks" IIRC.
Once you see the subdivision of the preferred SSD, click on the device itself (not a subvolume) delete it and rename it , choosing APFS .
That's all ;)

This is supposing the MP is booted in HighSierra or higher , if not :APFS is an unknown format...

Quote @michaelrdk :"Mojave will automatically convert to APFS during the installation"
True, but in case you'd like to format an SSD / Blade just for data , a very time-consuming procedure:)
"This is supposing the MP is booted in HighSierra or higher , if not :APFS is an unknown format..."

...err now I see why I couldn't get the option😄, after erasing Mojave in order to reinstall it the most recent OS I have is Sierra which, I now understand, has nothing to do with the APFS format...
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is it the same with High Sierra? 'cause I will need to install High Sierra from Sierra and then install Mojave on itself from High Sierra..
High Sierra is the only OS you can install in APFS or Mac OS extended (HFS+) , you can choose as you like.
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