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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
So I have bought an iPhone and expect to take delivery shortly.

Its an unlocked 1.1.1

I have avoided this section of the forum since it exploded into millions of threads, and I have a complete lack of knowledge on the ins and outs of the iPhone scene.

Basically.. I have heard of an NES emulator for the iPhone, but was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of the popular iPhone applications.

Many many thanks. (I did search but got a million threads and little information, and i'm feeling a little lazy tbh :) )
You'll need to make sure that your phone is Jailbroken first though. If you are using a Mac look for iNdependance which is one of the easiet way to jailbreak your device.

Then install the which can be done from pointing your iPhone safari browser to

All the apps you'll ever need are in there!
Thank you very much for your answer it is appreciated. :)

I assume it will be jailbroken because it's unlocked - but will double check when it arrives. :)
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