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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
Hi all,
My app just got accepted to the app store a few days I am looking for some good ways to get the word out. In my search I found this great forum discussion and have taken a few tips - I created a site that links to both a Facebook and Twitter page and submitted my app to cnet, digg, and reddit.

After creating the Facebook page, you are given an option to create an advertisement for the page. I was wondering if anybody has done this and if it is worth it? This interests me because my app has a pretty focused audience (Bowflex Users) and Facebook gives you the option to target different audiences by age/keyword/etc. Any thoughts, opinions, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


I've advertised on Facebook, Google AdWords, and dozens of web sites.

Given your app's price ($0.99, at least until the next update, per your iTunes description), it would be hard to break even given the cost of pay-per-click ads. But I will say the nice thing about Facebook is you can fine tune your audience. For example, I've limited my Facebook ads to Apple or AT&T employees, as I'm hoping they can be a 'force multiplier', and tell others. You could further fine-tune it to health conscious fitness folks, etc.

In the meantime, your app has been out since 8/15 and has no reviews. Go to the App Store -> Code Sharing forum and offer some promo codes. HOWEVER do not just post the codes and hope that people will post a review. Instead, use some qualifier like ask folks to email you with what Bowflex model they own, and then you'll email them a code. That way, you'll be giving your limited codes to well targeted users, who will be more inclined to appreciate the app, and post a good review.

In addition to posting on iPhone sites like this, consider Bowflex-related forums.

You're in a good spot in that yours is the ONLY app that shows up in a search for Bowflex. Well done! Not only did you develop a nice app with a nice name, you're well positioned to corner the market.

I'm finishing a free eBook (App Store Success) that details some of my experience and advice. Email me (you're new here so I can't PM or email you) and I'll send you a copy. It's also being published in serial form in iPhone Life magazine.
Thanks for the advice and the eBook - will look through it and give feedback!

While doing a google search, I found something that could be useful to others like myself (looking to promote their apps) so I thought I would share:

It looks to be a free online class titled "HOW TO: Create and Promote Your Own iPhone App" - hope this is helpful to others!
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