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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 10, 2007
Hi everyone-

I log on here every once in a while, OK OK, usually when new stuff is coming out, to help me understand the latest and greatest and how it could (or could not) affect my life.

I currently have a 3gs iPhone and a Macbook Pro. I am VERY interested in an iPad, if for no other reason than the fact that it will be as intuitive as my iPhone but less than 1/3 the weight of my Macbook...which will be VERY helpful for when I travel.

One of the things that I do when I travel is blog. I write the blog and include the pictures offline with iWeb and then upload it to our MobileMe account...all using the Macbook, of course. I'm trying to figure out how I will be able to do this with the iPad. As the App Store looks now, I see a bunch of blog-related programs but don't know which, if any, would work with MobileMe. In doing some research/browsing, I believe that WordPress does NOT work with least through Sept. '09, which is the last "does WordPress work with MobileMe?" thread I can find - is that still the case? If so, can anyone recommend an easy-to-use iPhone (and thereby eventual iPad) app that will work with MobileMe? Thanks!
By the way, I'm aware that I could just start a new blog that uses, say, WordPress or whatever iPhone-friendly blog app. And I'm willing to do that if worse comes to worse. But I already have the MobileMe blog established, so I'd like to stay with it if I can. Thanks for any help you can give!
I guess I'll also add that I'm looking for something that's free or, at best, just a one-time cost (for the app). I already pay for MobileMe and Photobucket, among others, on a yearly basis...that's enough, LOL! Sorry for not including that part originally and thanks!
I guess I'll also add that I'm looking for something that's free or, at best, just a one-time cost (for the app). I already pay for MobileMe and Photobucket, among others, on a yearly basis...that's enough, LOL! Sorry for not including that part originally and thanks!

I would suggest the WordPress 2 app. Set up a new blog account with, create a blog and choose the theme. All free. You can have more than one blog too.

The app allows you to manage posts, pages, comments and draft entries. I manage four blogs directly from the app on the go.
A second thought...
I used to do what you are currently doing for about a month, but there is a big obstacle in that iWeb generates the blog entry and posts it to MobileMe as a page entry. Each blog entry on MobileMe is static and you can't connect to it in the same way you can with something like WordPress or Blogger, which has a database at the back of it. Unfortunately, there's no SQL on MobileMe, and I suspect there never will be. iWeb produces a static set of linked, dead pages.

I moved very quickly to WordPress. It is free [So is the WordPress 2 App], you can set up many blogs if you want, although a few restrictions given that you have to choose from the themes supplied, although there are dozens of them, but you can blog to your heart's content from your iPhone, pictures and all. You can even moderate comments properly.
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