If you mean on device for WIFI usage, I use and app called DATA USAGE which is free on the app Store. It doesn’t have any ads or anything like that and is very configurable. You can set it to reset monthly, weekly, daily and send alerts or updates based on usage. I use it mostly for tracking my cellular usage when I travel internationally, but it’s also fun to see just how much one uses on WIFI (~40GB a month) on just a phone, so if I moved off a limited data plan ever I’d need to be prepared to for Wifi usage to take the lions share of app downloads, etc.
here’s a links do
Take back control of your data usage. It’s time to stop paying overages. • Monitor Mobile Data and Wi-Fi in real time. • Today Widget • Predictive forecast tells when you will go over and sets daily quotas. • Simple and intuitive design reflects current usage...