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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
well i was just looking aroudn the net, came accross this picture:

check out the top menu bar!! it's got a Safari icon instead of the word 'Safari'!! :D how the hell did they do that??! that's ssoooo good!

anyone know how to do that!? i'm dying to get that on my PB now. :D
cb911 said:
well i was just looking aroudn the net, came accross this picture:

check out the top menu bar!! it's got a Safari icon instead of the word 'Safari'!! :D how the hell did they do that??! that's ssoooo good!

anyone know how to do that!? i'm dying to get that on my PB now. :D

I remember a Classic app that let you do that but I haven't come across one for OS X yet.
well there has to be some way to do it in OS X, because look at that guys screen! well, maybe someone will know, or i'll really go and search for it when i have some time.
hmm, i think theres some tweaker app that does that. like maybe Cocktail or TinkerTool...? (you should be able to find them both on versiontracker)

i know ive done this to my powerbook in the past, but cannot remember what with.
Take a look at the apple icon. Its 10.3.x<3 or possibly one of the seed releases between 10.3 and 10.2 . I remember seeing something similar when I was running the development release of panther. Just cannot remember what version it was.
ah, so it could be a developer version. i've also never seen a camera icon like that before...

well i'll have a look at TinkerTool and Cocktail later. hopefully i will be able to come up with something.
That feature is enabled in FruitMenu, the most essential haxie in the world. Everyone should be using it.

thanks HexMonkey! :D i'd never heard of that shortcut before!! that's sure going to come in handy...

i've heard of FruitMenu before, but i never knew it could do stuff like put an icon up there instead of the app name. i'm going to check it out!
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