I wish I could make my Home Screen be the App Library. Looks much nicer than folders. Can I just skip all the pages of apps?
Thank you!You can delete - or at least hide - al of the home pages with your apps on them.
iOS 14 Tip: How To Hide Home Screen App Pages On iPhone
The new iOS 14 brings a lot of features to the iPhone, including the option to hide Home Screen App Pages.www.ibtimes.com
I must be missing a step because I only have one home page screen and it is impossible to unclick the checkbox on this single home page.You can delete - or at least hide - al of the home pages with your apps on them.
iOS 14 Tip: How To Hide Home Screen App Pages On iPhone
The new iOS 14 brings a lot of features to the iPhone, including the option to hide Home Screen App Pages.www.ibtimes.com
I couldn't agree more with you on all of your points. For years I have railed with friends about these stupid icons and app groups and now Apple has created and is curating a library. Now where did Apple put that photo app, was it in social or creativity? Ridiculous! Alpha lists with or without search are the way most people's minds work.....And here's me trying to figure out how to get rid of the App Library - or, at the very most, have it accessed thru a button, as with Android - and then presented alphabetically only. Butt ugly and useless - and I dislike Apple choosing what category it thinks an app belongs in.