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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2019
Greenville SC
In the 12.3.1 update from 12.3, two apps I use frequently, VNC Viewer and What's App, disappeared from my dock. They were replaced with "?" symbols. Why did this happen? What can I do to keep this from happening again?



macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
In the 12.3.1 update from 12.3, two apps I use frequently, VNC Viewer and What's App, disappeared from my dock. They were replaced with "?" symbols. Why did this happen? What can I do to keep this from happening again?

Are the apps still in Launchpad? If so, just replace them. Odd things can happen and it might be as much the apps fault as anything else.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2019
Greenville SC
I dragged them from Finder|Go|Applications; I come from a Dos/Windows environment and like to understand what I likely caused so I don't do it again.


macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2021
I’ve only seen this happen when an OS upgrade moved them away because they would no longer run under the new OS release, like 32 bit apps in Big Sur, but that shouldn’t happen in an update to a fix release if that’s what you did.

Another reason might be incorrect access rights. Did you move them with an admin user or standard user? I don’t understand why your apps were in Applications/Go - is this some software package that you downloaded?

Now with the ? in the dock, did you check if the apps are still in the Applications folder?


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 23, 2019
Greenville SC
Yes, this was an incremental upgrade from 12.3 to 12.3.1. I've done each upgrade within a few days of its release. My initial move into MacOS was via this MacBook Air M1 which was delivered (November of 2021) with 11.something; upgrade to 12.something was done during setup before using it.

Re access rights. While I understand why it might be a bad idea (I installed and administered a small NetWare 2.15 network for fun back in the late 1980s), I am the only user and believe I have admin rights; I MISuse my Windows XP, 7, and 10 systems in the same way. I still in this day and age know more about CP/M and 8080/8085 assembly than MacOS, CERTAINLY more than about M1 assembly (nothing).

Re where things are, I've installed no OS helper apps. When I select Finder either by its tray icon or clicking on a blank spot on the desktop, I have top menu options including GO. Hovering over Go gives Applications which is WHAT I THOUGHT was my Applications folder. Yes, they were/are still there. They are also in Launchpad, but I use the "Go" menu for applications because they are alphabetized there by the OS.

VNC client makes a little sense; it is not in the APP store. Apple has competition, but the Windows system to which I attach to control has dual 1920p monitors which are far better rendered vy the Server's own client than by the other apps I tried.

THANKS. I'm a little long-winded, but the more I tell the less you have to wonder.



macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2021
I think there is nothing wrong to have only one user in Mac who then needs to be an admin. It’s safer than doing the same on Windows.

From what you explain, I can see nothing wrong or suspicious. Perhaps it’s best to re-install the apps and move on, assuming it was some kind of glitch that shouldn’t have happened and won’t happen again, although this admittedly leaves a bad taste of not knowing what was going on.


macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2021
Actually, it’s not necessary to re-install the apps. Just remove the dead links from the dock, start the app and then select to keep them in the dock again.
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