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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 19, 2009
Not sure where to put this so i will post it here and hope it's ok, i was wondering about payments from my app on the app store..

How much exactly do i need to make to get the first payment? In Euro?? is it €200 or €250 or less??

And second question, am i paid for each region (i.e Europe, Americas, Aisa) or is it Country by Country?? like just getting paid for UK or Germany??

Thanks in advance,
I no that info is on some agreement i made with them but just can't seem to find it ANYWHERE!!

Thanks again...
Do you no then is Europe one region then? Like if I make €150 in uk and €100 in say, Spain will I get paid €250 euro by Apple or do I need €250 in the uk?

Just making sure! Very excited, my App got in the top 25 at 24 yesterday!! Can't believe it.... :)
Europe is one region but it does not include the UK: it is a region on it's own (probably because we don't use the Euro here in the UK). And as I keep saying it's $250 (US) not ¢250. Right now that means you need to make about ¢170 (per region).
There are seven regions encompassing the entire world, or at least everywhere an appstore is available. There are many more appstores than seven. The official rule is that they don't pay unless you have over USD250 in payments due for a particular region. However, I've gotten payments that were less than this. I think they may have an unpublished rule that they send out a payment after a certain period of time has passed, or they send out some number of payments per year regardless (say 2 or 4), but I haven't deduced the rules for sure.
Thanks for the info that was exactly what i needed...

Just one more, is there a date everyone gets paid? is it the 30th?! think i read that somewhere... or is it like 30 days after you join? been a member for about 3 weeks now so will i get paid at the end of month or next week?
One of the agreements says that payments might not be wired until up to 45 days after the close of the App stores' fiscal month (usually some Sunday near the end of the calendar month). The payments from the 7 regions (if over $250) usually seem to be sent several days apart.

So if you get an app in the store near the 1st of the month (and if it gets over about $360 in sales in one region) could take up to 2 and a half months before you see any cash in your bank account.
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