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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2007
I am releasing my first app tomorrow and wanted to give away some promo codes. There are 10 codes for free downloads. If you could write a review tomorrow I would really appreciate it.


Tag calc the Action Extension Calculator is an easy to use powerful iphone calculator that allows you to highlight numbers in Safari (or Chrome) and via the action extension enter it into the calculator without leaving your app. You can also the read word numbers so highlighting seven will enter the number 7 in the app.
Calculations can be saved for emailing, printing or for reworking on at a later date, its perfect for work, school or home use.The calculator is also great for doing everyday sums like, payments, budgets, basic geometry, basic algebra, tips and much more
With Tag calc there are further powerful functions in the statistics and programmer views that make this a very versatile but easy to pick up tool.

Tag Calc is great for:

Take numbers from the net straight into the calculator.
Saving your calculations for a later date with a named label.
Sharing any calculations you have made by email to import into different applications. Very handy on the go.
Working on a figure you cant get right? Use Tag Calc as you can save and rework calculations.
Printing out a calculation to work on further.

* Main View: Features include, memory, power, percent, pi π, factorial, parentheses and all calculated by
using a math parser engine the calculations can be as long as required.
Tag Calc Action Extension: Access Tag Calc in safari. Highlight a number to work on it. Save it to the main app for later use. Also includes Statistical analysis, percent and memory functions. If the selection is empty the calculator starts with zero.
Programmer View: make conversions from/to DEC,BIN,HEX,OCT systems and many more masking operations

Statistics View: calculate mean μ, sum ∑, standard deviation (stddev), min, max and median and create random numbers (with range if required)
Results View: Saved calculations can be printed via Airprint, emailed or loaded to be reworked on.

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Thanks for then promo code! I used AWNK4HHEY47E so you can take that off the list. I will use it a little bit and write a review :)
You can actually copy the text on the top and paste into your drafts.
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