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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 22, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Dear MacRumors users,

As I found no such app in the iTunes store, I thought a request was in place here.

What I need:

Password-protected app which then provides access to select videos when pass has been confirmed.

and yes, its for all my pr0n

thank you
Interesting idea but I'm wondering how that would be implemented.
lol portable porn niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I too would like to see this done.
I'm 95% sure the SDK does not have access to videos like it does with pictures and such so the only way to do it would have the app download the video which would such for large videos.

There was an app called HidePod (for those who jailbroke) which did just this.. Unfortunately its not yet been ported for 2.x. The website says its coming soon.
There was an app called HidePod (for those who jailbroke) which did just this.. Unfortunately its not yet been ported for 2.x. The website says its coming soon.

For jailbroken phones that's fine but that will never appear on the app store.
yeah cool idea, but unfortunately I don't have any extra space to be saving up videos on my 8gb, my music takes of my space but that does sound slieka good idea
And name it HidePorn! That would be cool. Or name it SecureStorage and allow the user to chage the name to HidePorn! :D
Don't think the SDK would allow it. Dang, sucks having limitations. The iPhone would be great if it weren't for all the limitations. :(
I hide my pr0n in plan sight ;)
Just rename the video from Donna does seabis... errr yeah to something like forklift safety training.mp4
or even more secure: FY09 Outlook shareholder meeting.mp4
The best you can do is to get one of the applications like Filemagnet, Files, MobileFinder, AirSharing (can't remember which one had password protection). Then drop your movie files in there.

I believe one of those has password protection and viewing of movies.

Note that any other way is impossible as the SDK doesn't have access to the videos or songs on the device.
thank you for all the replies.

A pity that an app cannot get access to the video folder or sommin.

I will check out any vault apps and see what I can get to work. I simply wont trust the re-naming trick ;)
Just get the "Files" app and transfer all your videos to it.

You can then specify a 4-digit pin number to protect access to the app from the iPhone side. When someone clicks on the "Files" app they then have to correctly enter the pin number - if they miss it a few times in a row, it starts locking the app (and preventing further pin tries) for increasing periods of time (e.g. 1 minute, 5 minutes, etc).

Once you enter the correct pin, you can view the videos from within the app, and you can also organize them in folders and search through their filenames, etc.
I hide my pr0n in plan sight ;)
Just rename the video from Donna does seabis... errr yeah to something like forklift safety training.mp4
or even more secure: FY09 Outlook shareholder meeting.mp4

Haha! Wow, great name :p. Anyway, when I saw this thread name my first thought was "Someone wants to hide their porn....".
Hey, I have that one! I mean "forklift safety training.mp4", that is! :D I thought that I was the only one. :)

I hide my pr0n in plan sight ;)
Just rename the video from Donna does seabis... errr yeah to something like forklift safety training.mp4
or even more secure: FY09 Outlook shareholder meeting.mp4
Wow! The value of this app just went up in my book! :D

Just get the "Files" app and transfer all your videos to it.

You can then specify a 4-digit pin number to protect access to the app from the iPhone side. When someone clicks on the "Files" app they then have to correctly enter the pin number - if they miss it a few times in a row, it starts locking the app (and preventing further pin tries) for increasing periods of time (e.g. 1 minute, 5 minutes, etc).

Once you enter the correct pin, you can view the videos from within the app, and you can also organize them in folders and search through their filenames, etc.
I decided to go with "airshare" last night, and it does the job. The app might not be protected on the iphone side, but my greatest concern was having videos in iTunes anyway. Problem solved - and airshare handles large files fine. Thank you før all your answers
I decided to go with "airshare" last night, and it does the job. The app might not be protected on the iphone side, but my greatest concern was having videos in iTunes anyway. Problem solved - and airshare handles large files fine. Thank you før all your answers

I guess you always could email the devs and ask for a password lock feature. Or you could just lock your iPhone with a code ;).
I decided to go with "airshare" last night, and it does the job. The app might not be protected on the iphone side, but my greatest concern was having videos in iTunes anyway. Problem solved - and airshare handles large files fine. Thank you før all your answers

I have AIRSHARE, and the lack of a "local" (as opposed to "remote") password restricted access is the programs only flaw (well, that and the inability to E-mail your files...).
Similar programs, such as FILES, have both local and remote password locks, which I believe should be a no-brainer option for an APP like this....
While not having your "sensitive" files accessable through I-tunes is a nice first step, the next logical step is to protect access to sensitive files on the device itself. I believe the developer will update the app with this feature in the future. To not do so would be giving your competition (and there are MANY similar programs) a huge edge.
I guess you always could email the devs and ask for a password lock feature. Or you could just lock your iPhone with a code ;).

Most people with work info on their phones use the I-phones native lock feature, and it does work well (especially in conjunction with the "self destruct" option)....however, a lock on the APP itself would allow you to hand over your unlocked phone to someone else to use (for games,Shazam, WOW factor, whatever....), and still be assured your sensitive documents are still secure.
would anyone care to write a mail to the airshare team? I dont know how to reach them

You may want to click on this link....,1067

It is the forum for the AIRSHARE developers website (Avatron) and thread regarding this very issue....basically, this request has already been made numerous times, they are aware of the interest in this feature.

Although they will not discuss or confirm future product refinements/updates on their site....I'd be willing to bet we will see this feature in an upcoming update...if not the next one, then soon after.

It's just too big of a hole to ignore, in an otherwise solid product.
Folders for iPhone does exactly what you are looking for. Not only can you create password protected folders, you can even create hidden folders that only appear after you enter your password. The app supports full screen playback of iPhone compatible video formats, image viewing, doc viewing, pdf viewing, etc..

You can download your videos via WiFi from a Mac or PC on the same network, or you can even download files directly off the net.

Dudes, there is a simple solution for p0rn on the iPhone. iDiscrete is an official app in the App Store, that "password protects" your content with a discreet "Loading" screen that registers your "touch password." An unofficial user would simply see a Loading screen, whereas you know that it's really the screen where you input your password. Genius!
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