I noticed that Apple was testing my app at 3:30pm yesterday(in Cupertino). Is there any rhyme or reason as to how long the process usually takes after they have actually begun testing?
Thanks ayasin......has anybody else had any experience with this scenario???
I think my head is going to explode....I have been working on this project for 18 months and now the 5 days I have been waiting for the app review is killing me (believe me, I know 5 days is nothing)......
Thanks ayasin......has anybody else had any experience with this scenario???
I think my head is going to explode....I have been working on this project for 18 months and now the 5 days I have been waiting for the app review is killing me (believe me, I know 5 days is nothing)......
The app hasn't taken 18 months...the development of the whole project has.....Its called Furious Gamer Radio and is intended to be the first true cohesive radio network dedicated entirely to video games (http://www.furiousgamer.com).
Wow....if it took 18 months to build the app it had better be the most super- amazing, ridiculous iPhone app in the history of history