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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I just bought an iPhone 3G, and it was jailbroken and unlocked already for my service. Everything including internet works great, one problem though, what happened to my App Store? The icon is just not there, and the parental controls are off.
I just bought an iPhone 3G, and it was jailbroken and unlocked already for my service. Everything including internet works great, one problem though, what happened to my App Store? The icon is just not there, and the parental controls are off.

I don't know much about jailbreaking any more (not since my first gen days) but I believe that there are apps to hide icons or to have a 'stacks' type approach to make multiple apps break out of one icon. Can you contact the original seller?
agree...this happened to me before. I jail broken my phone then used a program to hide few icons, then stupidly deleted it by mistake, then i removed cydia and intaller (the only source to get the application), so i wasn't able to reshow my hidden applications again. The only solution was to restore the phone through itune.

Either call the guy who sold it to you check if he/she used the program or try to install the program from cydia to restore the apple store icon. Sorry i don't remember the program name (i am sure you can google it).
go to settings
reset home screen layout

that should do it
if that doesn't work the previous owner may have been using categories or SBSettings
If Categories was being used the apps icon was placed in a folder. If categories is removed before movng the icons back the icon is still there just not visible.
SBSetting the icon may have been turned off.

If all else fails restore as a new phone and jailbreak again.

I think you already fixed it, but just in case this comes up again, on a jailbroken iPhone get the app POOF from cydia (I think). It will list apps that have been hidden.
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