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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2022
Hi all, I just got a new Ipad pro 12.9 m2 and whenever I try to open the app store in landscape mode in the Today tab it crashes immediately back to the home screen. If I try to open it in portrait mode or quickly choose another tab like "games" it will load as normal.

I found this old thread that describes the exact same issue I'm having but it seems it was fixed back in April 2022

Considering it is a brand new ipad, I was hoping to check if it is happening to other 12.9 users as well since it appears to only affect that size from the other thread. If not, I would be considering exchanging it while it is still in the exchange period.

Would really appreciate other ipad pro 12.9 users helping to check on their end. Thank you!

(I was on the factory OS 16.1 and tried updating to 16.1.1 but the issue persists)
Thanks for the feedback. I was on 16.1, tried updating to 16.1.1 and its still crashing :(
Yes, this just started happening today on my M2 iPad Pro 11, on 16.1.1. It appears to be an issue with landscape orientation, since the App Store doesn’t crash in portrait orientation.
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I found if you search for an app from Spotlight, it will open the page in the App Store, even in landscape. However, the app will eventually crash if you browse to other pages.
I registered just so I could respond to this. Thank god it wasn’t just me (I thought my new Ipad Pro was busted!). It was such a relief to see that it was isolated to the landscape position; I was finally able to get some much-needed updates and apps I was missing.

Thank you all for posting about this!
Started happening on my iPad M1 yesterday. Thanks god it works in portrait mode! Thank you for the tip!
Glad to know it’s not just me. It’s happening on my 2nd gen 12.9 running iPad OS 16.1.1. Was freaking me out. Thought my iPad finally croaked on me.
JUST noticing this on my iPad Pro 2015 (12:30pm Sat. Dec 3.)

Wanted to update a few apps, but it just quickly crashes. Reopening the App store...again, crashes (Running OS 16.1.1). Hard reboot did nothing. First time I noticed this, I updated a few apps a few days ago with no issues.
From the replies so far, it seems its only affecting some units. Could this be a hardware issue that might warrant the hassle of exchanging my brand new Ipad? I'm not an expert in this field and would greatly appreciate further advice from the community before my exchange period expires.

Such a bummer to get a brand new device only to be faced with this issue. It looks like a software bug that can be patched out, but why is it only affecting some units and from various generations?
From the replies so far, it seems its only affecting some units. Could this be a hardware issue that might warrant the hassle of exchanging my brand new Ipad? I'm not an expert in this field and would greatly appreciate further advice from the community before my exchange period expires.

Such a bummer to get a brand new device only to be faced with this issue. It looks like a software bug that can be patched out, but why is it only affecting some units and from various generations?
99.999% sure it's software bug, apparently this did happen back in April also (this thread - )

For some reason it's affecting not just new iPads, but my old 2015 iPad Pro. ONLY seems to be App Store, everything else on my iPad seems to be fine.
It’s crashing on my 2020 A12Z iPad Pro 12.9” under iPadOS 16.1.1 as well. Yes, no problem if I used it as portrait mode.
I have had the same problem with an

iPad Pro 12.9 (5th generation) for the past few days. Called support and two trips today to the Genius Bar - no help.

I found in landscape if you ask Siri

‘What are the new apps in the App Store?’ It opens without crashing. Just don’t select “Today” icon in lower left corner.
I have noticed that if I set the “display zoom” feature to “zoomed text” (versus “default” or “more space”) the App Store will open in landscape. Otherwise I have to open it in portrait mode. This only started happening a few days ago for me as well.

How many people who are having the problem have auto-updates on? I don‘t have it on for many of my devices, but I do have it on for this iPad.
I have an older iPad Pro and this started happening to me today. The Apple App Store crashes and I cannot load it.

I tried loading it in portrait mode to see if that would work and it actually did. The minute I turn it to landscape mode it crashes.
This just started happening to me today.

I have the M1 12.9 iPad from 2021. When I try to open the iPad in landscape mode it crashes.

For now, I have been able to open it in portrait mode, then rotate it back to landscape without it crashing, but they still need to fix this!
Started happening on my M1 11 iPad Pro as well. Thanks so much for the tip, Spooner! It doesn’t crash in portrait mode. Def a software bug. Highly doubt it’s a hardware issue.
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