For me it is all about value. I have a lot of free software and iOS apps cluttering up my devices that I never use, but hey, they are free.
I'm with you
@T-Bob, if I use something once a month or go multiple months without using it, then I don't want to pay for it.
I have access to
Office365 through my Corporate account, so I haven't had to address that yet, but my old standalone license is outdated now.
So when that time comes, I will likely opt for free alternatives due to my age and stage in life, and not needing all the extras it affords.
I also have access to a corporate
Adobe Creative account but have uninstalled most of it because I never use it.
If I had to pay for it, I would certainly drop it and opt for free alternatives or some standalone apps, of which many are available.
I dropped my Premium
Evernote with price increases, etc. because I couldn't justify the cost for how I was using it, and the free version limited devices.
Instead, I migrated everything to a free personal
OneNote and never looked back.
I dropped my Premium
ToDoist even though I liked the product, because I couldn't justify paying for it just to get scheduled alerts.
Instead, I just use Apple's
Reminders now and it does everything I need.
I dropped
TextExpander when they went subscription and never looked for a true replacement (although my standalone still works on my Mac).
It was a nice thing to have, but it wasn't worth the money for my needs.
I have a
Flickr paid account that just went up dramatically in price, and I will be dropping it since I rarely used it anyway.
Not really looking for an alternative to it anyway.
I have considered
DayOne as a subscription, but I like the idea of writing in it more than I actually write in it, so it really wasn't worth it for me.
Although I really like the product.
Every time there is a thread about
1Password, there is a lot of discussion about the subscription v. standalone, and I understand that.
I hesitated a long time before I moved to the subscription, and when I did, I went all in with long/strong passwords that are unique and not reused.
I tried using
LastPass before, but really didn't like the interface and never really clicked with it, although my wife uses a paid version of it for mobile access.
Based on the current 1Password thread I have looked at
It does seem to be a good alternative, and I might consider switching, although the $3 for 1Password doesn't really gall me like it does some others.
I pay for
NordVPN after dropping
PIA because I got a big discount up front and I researched the reviews at the time.
Many feel a VPN isn't necessary, and in many/most cases it probably isn't, but I like having it even if it might be overkill.
I don't think all VPNs are created equal, and I generally agree that you get what you pay for.
I also pay for
DropBox and have been a user for years.
I have most everything stored there and shared between my 2 Macs, my iPhone and my 2 corporate Windows computers.
I love having everything available everywhere and the safety net it affords me.
I also use it for an
Arq backup as well.
I know that
Google Drive,
OneDrive and
iCloud are alternatives, but I am used to DropBox and it just works for me.
I would hate to try and move off DropBox at this point in my life.
Ulysses is another that people often mention with subscriptions.
I never used it, but I dabbled with
Scrivener for a while. But I can see why people would be frustrated with a subscription based writing app.
I realize some of these aren't really subscriptions, but Premiums (like ToDoist, Evernote, etc.) that offer free, but limited versions or a premium version.
And that's where the rub comes for most I think, when *forced* to go to a subscription with no alternative to a free (albeit limited) version, or a standalone.
So, my reason for the thread was to identify apps that have gone subscription that are frustrating people and to give alternatives.
We have identified some, but surely there are others out there, right?
All of the rage against the subscription model can't be just about the few we have talked about so far.
And most of these are macOS primarily, but aren't there iOS apps as well?