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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 5, 2011
Hi can you guys point out to the best app that would use the M7 chip.... there was one but it used to drain the battery very very fast.

I don't know about the "best" app, but I just installed ARGUS which is a health/fitness app that tracks things like how far you have walked, calories, weight etc...

What was interesting is that the M7 processor must be constantly tracking and logging information even when you aren't using it with a specific app. For example, I just installed ARGUS today and it filled in all the steps I have taken each day since I got my iPhone 5s back on Sept 25th.
9to5 Mac did a recent article where they said the M7 holds the last 7 days worth of your step activity.

Did anyone notice that the m7 still continues to count step even while you are driving?

I checked the number of steps when I enter the car and after I stop. It always shows another few hundred steps more. So it seems like the m7 is not that accurate?

Also I noticed that the timing of the steps in augas shows activity at times when I was still asleep! As it stands the timing and number of steps logged by the m7 seems very suspect to me.
I was enjoying the Argus app but I noticed in my Argus settings today that the M7 option was off (surprised me) so I turned it on.

I then noticed that I no longer had the icon badge showing my steps. It turns out that Argus doesn't support step count badge updating if you use the M7 option!

I downloaded the Pedometer++ app (perhaps the crappiest app I've ever seen) but it does allow the badge to show your step count.

So maybe Argus will get an update which gets this working.


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I was enjoying the Argus app but I noticed in my Argus settings today that the M7 option was off (surprised me) so I turned it on.

I then noticed that I no longer had the icon badge showing my steps. It turns out that Argus doesn't support step count badge updating if you use the M7 option!

I downloaded the Pedometer++ app (perhaps the crappiest app I've ever seen) but it does allow the badge to show your step count.

So maybe Argus will get an update which gets this working.

Well I think this was a conscious decision by the developer. They chose (ARGUS did) to focus on ultra-low power consumption by allowing their app to be completely suspended in the background when using the M7. Perhaps in the future they will chose to support some middle of the road setup, but it actually makes a lot of sense for them to suspend the app in the background and save power over updating a live step count that doesn't really add much value.
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