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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
is there any app to stop my txts showing up on my screen, all i wana see is the persons name who sent it or just you have a txt! lol there must be something its stupid to have it do this
You can lock up your iPhone so that you put a password in every time you wake it up and slide to unlock. You have the option to turn off SMS notification if you do that.

yes but if the phone is unlocked, it will show up

also entering the code everytime is annoying

to all developers - could you find away of hiding the text message contents. or pass coding just the sms app rather than the whole phone.
I somehow doubt this is possible because of the way the iPhone stores the messages.

And if you're in need of hiding them for whatever reason, maybe consider that you shouldn't be doing what you are....
If you're OK doing a jailbreak (which I assume you are since you're posting this in the Hacks section) you can try 2 things.. PYSL (Protect Your Secret Life) or Kate. (Kate is available on Installer, PYSL is through Cydia)

Both do the same thing, but slightly different. With PYSL you can open thier app to view your SMSes, with Kate you still use the default SMS application, it just hides the text that comes in. Both of them put a little notification icon next to your battery in the upper right so you'll know you have something waiting (or you can set an audible/vibrate alert).

I had used PYSL on 1.1.4, but now prefer Kate, even though it costs. (PYSL is free).
I somehow doubt this is possible because of the way the iPhone stores the messages.

And if you're in need of hiding them for whatever reason, maybe consider that you shouldn't be doing what you are....

i shouldnt entitle myself to some privacy?:D
I somehow doubt this is possible because of the way the iPhone stores the messages.

And if you're in need of hiding them for whatever reason, maybe consider that you shouldn't be doing what you are....
who are u to say what they should be doing...geez
And if you're in need of hiding them for whatever reason, maybe consider that you shouldn't be doing what you are....

Huh? Classic example of unnecessarily judging someone there, buddy.. Just because someone doesn't want their text messages to pop up for all to see that means they're into some unscrupulous activities? C'mon now..

I find it to be annoying to, and if an app became available that would prevent the texts from doing this I would certainly download it.. Doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong, but if that's what you think, you're entitled to your opinion- as wrong as it may be..
Go right ahead with the privacy but depending on what you're doing a pre-paid phone number might be more secure.

i am on a prepaid sim, im not doing anything wrong i just dont want nosy b@st@rds reading my txts u know?
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