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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2018
Good day,

I am looking for a solution for naming photos in real time. I take 100+ photos per day and once completed I have to rename them all manually in groups. What I am ideally looking for is some solution to name the photos as I take them. For example: type in 1997 Jeep Cherokee - then take all photos that are then saved as:

1997 Jeep Cherokee_1
1997 Jeep Cherokee_2
1997 Jeep Cherokee_3

Any solutions, apps or suggestions? If no, would this be an easy app to develop?


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macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2009
Slovenia, EU
If you use macOS, Finder does this natively. Select images, click rename and select the options you want.

Screenshot 2018-09-26 at 20.47.53.png

Edit: Nevermind, I see you want this on an iOS device as you are taking the images.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2018
Thanks, but that's not what I am looking for. I want to be able to name the files as I am taking the pictures with my iPhone. This is the critical component. I actually found an app (LabelMyPix) that does this. The only issue I have with this app is that it appends the filename and I want it to overwrite the filename. Looking for other options.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2018
How can I shorten a part of the new filename? I assume as the camera file names continue they will change in length of number. I was thinking the same thing though. Ideally, if I could drag a bar back and forth like Text to Columns in Excel. I need a simple process as it will roll out to a team of 20 people doing the same thing.


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2009
Slovenia, EU
Well again not on the phone. Closed iOS is a hassle sometimes. I haven't tried the new workflows (I forgot how they're called in iOS 12), but you might be able to rig something.

Could you tell us a bit more about the process. You mention 20 people. OK, everybody is gonna be snapping photos, but most probably also uploading them somewhere? You could also change filenames on the server, where the photos will go.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2018
The entire process is the whole team needs to take photos from multiple angles of a product. That product has an identification number which I want all photos of that item to be the filename:


Currently all photos are being taken with iPhone 6, then imported to Windows 7 by each team member, then renamed one at a time with the proper naming convention by each team member. I'm excited at the prospect of the files being named already as the photos are being taken, it would really improve the overall process one step further if I can simplify stripping out the extra info easily.


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2009
Slovenia, EU
Tricky. How do you handle duplicates with such easy filenames?

How about this:

1. Setup Google Drive accounts, share a certain folder to everybody.
2. Inside the folder create subfolders "product 1" etc.
3. Have people snap photos directly into the designated folders. Google Drive App has that function.

* if need be, you can batch rename all the files later
** this will make sure there are no filename collisions since the filename is the time_date.jpg


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2018
You should look for professional photo equipment not iPhones ;)
How would that help?
Tricky. How do you handle duplicates with such easy filenames?

How about this:

1. Setup Google Drive accounts, share a certain folder to everybody.
2. Inside the folder create subfolders "product 1" etc.
3. Have people snap photos directly into the designated folders. Google Drive App has that function.

* if need be, you can batch rename all the files later
** this will make sure there are no filename collisions since the filename is the time_date.jpg

What do you mean by duplicates? Not sure I made my point clear. There is no reason for anyone to share their photos with other team members. In reality the actual process is for one person. Then each team member will mimic it.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2010
How would that help?

What do you mean by duplicates? Not sure I made my point clear. There is no reason for anyone to share their photos with other team members. In reality the actual process is for one person. Then each team member will mimic it.

There’s a ton of dslr’s and specific photo software to prename pics and store in network folders per WiFi.
Even my Sony nex from a couple of years ago was able to do that.

I don’t know your business strategy but there is better equipment than a 4years old mobile
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