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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 4, 2010
Im looking for an app to stream not only video but music as well on the Ip4. I purchased Air Video and I really like it but I started to notice that I would also like to have the feature to stream music as well.

I saw StreamToMe but the app is currently taken down for certain issues. Any other apps out there??
Have you checked air video? It can pretty much stream anything you want it to.
I use it on my ipad all the time. I use streamtome on the iphone.
I have Air Video and it can not stream music only videos. Thats why I want a combo of both!

Thanks. I didnt think so but I thought I read on a thread here that they were looking into it and it may come some time in the future.
Thanks. I didnt think so but I thought I read on a thread here that they were looking into it and it may come some time in the future.

That sure would be nice if they allowed for that to happen I really like AirVideo just hate the fact it doesnt stream music!
I highly recommend "Here Here File". It lets you stream any file from your home computer to your phone over 3g or WIFI. Videos, music, pictures, documents- even files it can't read.

I just used it yesterday because I forgot to bring a document to work and I emailed it to myself using the app. Saved me a drive home.
I highly recommend "Here Here File". It lets you stream any file from your home computer to your phone over 3g or WIFI. Videos, music, pictures, documents- even files it can't read.

I just used it yesterday because I forgot to bring a document to work and I emailed it to myself using the app. Saved me a drive home.

That seems like a great app but unfortunately Im running a Windows Based computer..... FML
Video wise,
I would recommend Air Video
Music wise,
I really have no idea.
There's a "rumor" that iTunes might have a cloud service to "stream" your music to your iPhone.
Spotify is good,
but it's not out in the US yet.
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