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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005
UK, South Coast
Wanted to use pushover in conduction with outlook rules but my corporate IT policy won't allow emails to be forwarded outside the domain.

I have exchange email setup on my iPhone, is there an app that will allow notifications based upon subject lines?

Tried eNotify, couldn't get it to talk to the exchange server for some reason. Somewhere else said Boxcar but don't see how that can work with my email either.

I think with most of these types of apps the email would need to be forwarded to them.

What you might be able to try is to set up some sort of a rule that could perhaps send a text message to you as a notification (assuming you have free incoming texts) and maybe that might do the trick.
I think with most of these types of apps the email would need to be forwarded to them.

What you might be able to try is to set up some sort of a rule that could perhaps send a text message to you as a notification (assuming you have free incoming texts) and maybe that might do the trick.

That's what I've found but corporate policy doesn't allow forwarding to an external address otherwise I'd have outlook just forward it to my pushover email address :-/

Wanted to use pushover in conduction with outlook rules but my corporate IT policy won't allow emails to be forwarded outside the domain.

I have exchange email setup on my iPhone, is there an app that will allow notifications based upon subject lines?

Tried eNotify, couldn't get it to talk to the exchange server for some reason. Somewhere else said Boxcar but don't see how that can work with my email either.


I don't see how any of those services will work without being able to forward. I'm wondering though, could you setup an Exchange server rule in Outlook that says if I get an email with subject=whatever send an email to xxxx and get it working that way.
I don't see how any of those services will work without being able to forward. I'm wondering though, could you setup an Exchange server rule in Outlook that says if I get an email with subject=whatever send an email to xxxx and get it working that way.

Client side rule? Not ideal but could work. How do I send an email off the back of a rule? Google tells me it's via scripting.

Client side rule? Not ideal but could work. How do I send an email off the back of a rule? Google tells me it's via scripting.


I was thinking on the Exchange server side would be better, but have not used Exchange in ages so don't know if that is even possible.

What I was thinking rather than "forward" which is blocked is if it could be setup to send a new email when subject xxx comes in.

I think you could get is going client side the same way. Can Outlook rules trigger an Applescript? You could do if subject xxx the run yyy Applescript like this I found here.

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Hooray for automation"}
    make new recipient at newMessage with properties {email address:{name:"Jim Shank", address:""}}
    open newMessage
end tell
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