Ok, so a friend and I are looking for an LCD monitor that is very stylish. Now, a few weeks ago we saw this huuuuuge display, now is that the 30 inch Cinema display (We saw it at the Apple Store) . ? I don't know whether we should get these or not, we were looking on either gettin two 20 inch deisplays, or one Cinema Display, but I don't know. Anyone here have a Cinema 30inc display, tell us about it, what all can you hook up to it, he has an XBOX 360 that he wants to hook up to it to, are their any "converters" for that type of cennection, and does the display have a lot of, I guess it's called static (Lines constantly going down the screen) the reason I got rid of my AOC 19incher. So, if anyone has one of these babies, post some pics, and post ur experience with them...