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I think you're right. I just checked mine (which were replaced yesterday) and the serial number is "1."
what a weird situation. Strangely I had them replace both airpods but they shipped them separately. I’m wondering if I pair one with my AirPod that’s on 25c4 if it will upgrade it
what a weird situation. Strangely I had them replace both airpods but they shipped them separately. I’m wondering if I pair one with my AirPod that’s on 25c4 if it will upgrade it
But why bother, since the replacements will have 2B588. Just keep the replacements and return the ones with 2C54.
But why bother, since the replacements will have 2B588. Just keep the replacements and return the ones with 2C54.
They ship them separately for some reason. The left one came first and the right one is coming Monday. I’m wondering if I replace the left one will it update to 25c4 since the right one will be on that or just wait until Monday to swap them.
They ship them separately for some reason. The left one came first and the right one is coming Monday. I’m wondering if I replace the left one will it update to 25c4 since the right one will be on that or just wait until Monday to swap them.
I recommend waiting. My replacements were shipped separately too, but they both arrived at the same time. The courier simply collected the old ones when delivering the new ones.
Sound quality is the same as AirPods Gen 2. ANC is the only difference with AirPods Pro.
I beg to differ. I have both and find the quality of the AirPods Pro significantly better than the AP2 even without ANC turned on. This is most likely due to the improved passive sound isolation and bass response gained through the silicone tips, which provide a superior fit. Turning on ANC improves the sound quality of the AirPods Pro over the AP2 even further.
Sound quality is the same as AirPods Gen 2. ANC is the only difference with AirPods Pro.

Afraid that isn’t true. In fact AirPods Pro have a completely different frequency response and sound signature from the older second generation AirPods:

I beg to differ. I have both and find the quality of the AirPods Pro significantly better than the AP2 even without ANC turned on. This is most likely due to the improved passive sound isolation and bass response gained through the silicone tips, which provide a superior fit. Turning on ANC improves the sound quality of the AirPods Pro over the AP2 even further.
I have AP 2 and APP and agree the sound is better with APP.
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Afraid that isn’t true. In fact AirPods Pro have a completely different frequency response and sound signature from the older second generation AirPods:

I bought the airpods pro on day one when they came out and sound quality was identical to AirPods Gen 2. Has something changed since then via firmware update or something? i returned the Airpods pro after 3 days of their release.
I have had all 3 AirPods on launch day. The APP are the best sounding AirPod release yet, by quite a stretch imo. Even with a reduction in ANC, they are significantly better than the AP2.
That said, I still prefer the ease of not finding a seal with the AP2 for phone/conference calls. I only use the APP when I know I’ll need ANC.
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I’ve never been one to be interested in class action’s, but the fact that I found my original AirPods so great, that I decided to buy the pro’s on credit when I really had no business doing so, and now to put them in every morning on the train and wallow in disappointment? Well suffice it to say I’m an Apple fan boy that is very disappointed. I know this is a very privileged conversation, but Apple has severely dropped the ball on this. I’m what some might call an Apple apologist, despite that I still call this situation remarkable. I’m very disappointed. Companies get successful and you fear that your voice is to insignificant to make a difference. This is the first time I’ve ever thought that applied to Apple.

My thoughts exactly. Bought them on day 1 mainly for my work – I'm a journalist – and couldn't be happier with ANC. Finally the suffering of transcribing audio files in public places faded away, just like the rest of the noise when I've put them on. Really considered APP as one of Apple's best products ever. Well, here we go
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Compared to my APP to AP1, I thought it was similar, but obviously with ANC it blows AP1 away, but fitment and a little pain in my silicone tips are somewhat a downfall.
Okay so i got my replacement air pod pro’s. I was on the ‘broken‘ firmware, 2C54 or whatever, and am now on 2B588. My impression is that they are remarkably better at isolation now. The main thing I’ve noticed: when i first got my pro’s, I’d put them both in, there would be a moment of ‘transparency’ and then they’d chime and ANC would engage. With 2C54, that stopped, I’d just put them in, and there was no moment of transparency. With these new airpod’s that functionality has returned. Whether that’s related, i dont know. But i can say, as someone that ride’s public transit and flies often, the difference in ANC from 2C54, to 2B588, is enough for me to call it substaNiall. Of course, I recognize that audio is different for everyone, but I am thankful Apple replaced these for me.
Okay so i got my replacement air pod pro’s. I was on the ‘broken‘ firmware, 2C54 or whatever, and am now on 2B588. My impression is that they are remarkably better at isolation now. The main thing I’ve noticed: when i first got my pro’s, I’d put them both in, there would be a moment of ‘transparency’ and then they’d chime and ANC would engage. With 2C54, that stopped, I’d just put them in, and there was no moment of transparency. With these new airpod’s that functionality has returned. Whether that’s related, i dont know. But i can say, as someone that ride’s public transit and flies often, the difference in ANC from 2C54, to 2B588, is enough for me to call it substaNiall. Of course, I recognize that audio is different for everyone, but I am thankful Apple replaced these for me.

I tried both firmware versions side by side and noticed no difference in noise isolation. If there is a difference it seemed marginal and markedly reduced from 2B584. Keep in mind you may be getting a better seal with the new ear tips as they have better grip when new.
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For me the difference was noticeable. And perhaps 2C54 was intermittently 'breaking' them, as the main reason i returned my Airpod Pro's was that the left ear bud kept not syncing properly, sometimes requiring multiple returns to the case and syncing to get it working again. I don't doubt that the tips lose seal over time, but i tried new tips with 2C54 and it wasn't that.
I don't have any ANC devices to compare the APP to, but is this really true? I thought the technicalities of ANC is to drown out background (constant) noise by playing an opposite/anti-noise to what the mic picks up. If it was to cancel the noise of a snapping finger, that would mean the speaker would have to play the exact opposite noise at the exact instance the finger is snapped. How would that happen?

I just did a quick search and found something that states "With current top-of-the-line noise cancelling headphones, you can expect between 15 and 25 dB noise reduction from 500 to 2000 Hz, which is substantial but not nearly enough to eliminate speech." So if speech is difficult to cancel out, not sure how ANC could cancel other non-constant noise.


Yeah, you are right. Noise cancelling works with lower frequencies and with continuous droning sounds that don't change quickly. It's all laws-of-physics stuff. It can't cancel things like human speech, snapping fingers, or other things like that.
So I guess no update on FW today. I was hoping that it will show up with the iOS update as well.
I am not having big issues but I do get annoying pairing when I am in the same room with the iPad which paired in the past.

One aipord pro pairs with the phone, the other with the iPad and then they repair.... very annoying.
Mine seem to be performing well on ANC (2c54). Maybe not quite as good as before, but if I hadn't seen this post I might not have noticed. I initiated a chat with Apple just to see and here's what I got...

Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 4.46.33 PM.png
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It’s not just sound quality. On 2C54, my airpod’s never seems to ‘engage’ ANC. Now that i have new ones with newer firmware, I now audibly hear ANC engage. I’m not talking about a sense of it, i mean a very literal transition where you can literally hear the outside world whoooosh away. I remember that’s how they were when I originally got them, and I’m glad that’s the way it is now.
What’s this “newer firmware“ you speak of? There’s nothing newer than 2C54 as far as I know?
Yes and no... 2C54 is the old new firmware. 2B588 is the "new" firmware as it is the current after apple pulled 2C54. Going from AirPods with 2C54 to a pair with 2B588 has been an improvement for many, but as 2C54 is versioned higher then 2B588 you can not roll back a all ready updated set. so the only way is to have an exchange to a set with older firmware, which now is the new current firmware.
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