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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 23, 2011
I had a shared photo album with thousands of pictures and videos shared by multiple people. One day, it stopped working - dropped all the collaborators, and the videos gave an error and could not be played back; they also cannot be shared to a different album or exported. The album does not allow me to share it with anyone anymore. Turning shared photos off and then back on synced all the shared albums back to my iPhone except that one. That album is still on my Mac, though, so I can still see it. I provided all the info to Apple support, who escalated it to engineering. After 1 week, they said they had no record of the album anywhere, and they could not restore it.

I'm now forced to manually recreate the album from my library and hope that everyone else that shared into it does it again. This will take many hours.

Has anyone been able to resolve this situation before? I have hundreds of shared albums and now am very concerned about them.
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