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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
So, finally applied and to my disappointment was denied due to one ding in my credit report which I've never seen! Some issue my husband had with Hyundai in 2014 that ended up being paid in full, but unfortunately I was on the lease as well. Literally nothing else. Spotless payment history, no late payments, high credit score. I called Transunion and disputed the item in the report. Hopefully they will take it off and I can get the card. Anyone else have a similar story?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2011
Miami, FL
Yes. They denied me about a recent past due. I don't have any recent past dues on my credit report. The last late payment was almost 3 years ago. I know people who have had bankruptcies on their credit about 2 years ago, 600ish TU score, and they were approved. I don't get it.


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2013
850 score here. Denied due to a closed joint account my sister used. Didn’t appear on TransUnion online, but rather a Chex Systems report that was requested through them that only appeared on my paper TU report.

Was approved for a capital one card with no issues just yesterday.
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