This represents some level of false understanding of what an increased credit limit means. There is no down side to having an increased limit, in fact the opposite is true. Credit scores are used on utilization, a larger limit means a decreased utilization no matter how much you spend.
If you pay your credit card off monthly (as you should!) then there's no up or down side to an increase.
If you do not pay your credit card off monthly, then it gives you more leeway in spending for the following month as you continue to pay down your credit card.
However, as
NerdWallet points out the down side that is possible is if your budgeting is iffy, and you tend to overspend and use your limit as a maximum spending line. If that's the case, however, I would recommend focusing more on learning to budget.
I would just add that an automatic credit limit increase doesn't result in a hard pull on your credit score either.