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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 5, 2010
Dubai, UAE
hi, my mac pro is in apple care till 8 feb this year, so its about time i was thinking about extending it, just wondering what the cheapest way/where to get it would be from?

i may have thought about letting it lapse, but its going to make a trip across to singapore in about 5 months and id hate it to arrive busted and out of apple care....

any help would be great :) oh and i am in Australia (if that matters? )

You can only buy AppleCare in the first year you own the machine.

Besides, even if you buy it, it only lasts until 3 years after you bought your machine, which is almost over anyway. You cannot extend it beyond that point.

It also looks like you own 2007 Mac Pro, not an 08.
hang on, i thought that if it was still in apple care you could extend it??

oh and nah, thats my old MP in my sig, should update that...:p
i may have thought about letting it lapse, but its going to make a trip across to singapore in about 5 months and id hate it to arrive busted and out of apple care....

Also, if it breaks in transit, that isn't covered by AppleCare anyway...
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