It really depends on the seller. I myself bought my Apple care for around $160 off ebay and got a legit protection plan. Watch the seller as with all ebaying. If they have had comments about being shady stay away. also if it does not state it in the auction, ask the seller if when you get the Apple care and it is not a new unregistered product, what returns could you do, anyone selling Apple Care legally will have no problem saying that you can return it if it is not a legit plan. If they give you something like "Sorry we can not take returns" just stay away as chances are it is already registered or something. I also don't like the people who only send you an Apple Care registration number via email, something about them not giving you everything that came with it seems shady. And lastly, just protect yourself and use paypal or another online money transfer that will back you if you get ripped off.