Since 1997, Apple has converted its OS to one that is UNIX-based. It converted it personal computers to Intel. It has diversified its hardware offerings to include the iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, and iMac. It has converted its peripheral connections to FireWire and USB. It has converted its monitors to LCD flat panels. It has added the iSight webcam to its product to its products, first as a peripheral and now as a built-in standard feature of its laptops and many of its desktops. It introduced Final Cut Pro which has become the standard for digital video editing.
Oh, the horror!
Save for the OS and Final Cut, the rest of the industry
The computer industry was moving right along with Apple, and Apple wasn't the first to do ANY of the things you mentioned. So chill out.
Secondly, Apple BOUGHT FCP from another company and ported it over to the Mac, not a problem in my book, and IT IS NOT THE STANDARD FOR DIGITAL VIDEO OR ANY KIND OF VIDEO EDITING!
I think you need to lay off the kool-aid.
p.s. The original post you quoted mentioned the offerings, and you said nothing about Apple's price/performance ratio, base price of systems, diversity of systems, etc. and how they compare to the rest of the market.
I think you missed the mark by a lot.