I logged into the Apple community discussions and got this:
Looking for something in Apple Support Communities?
The page you tried was not found. You may have used an outdated link or may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly.
Please visit the main page of Apple Support Communities for links to discussion areas.
What I also noticed is the url: https://discussions.apple.com/backsoon/error.html
Hard to trouble shoot your iPhone 5s and why it won't back up with iOS 8.2 without some ideas first....
Looking for something in Apple Support Communities?
The page you tried was not found. You may have used an outdated link or may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly.
Please visit the main page of Apple Support Communities for links to discussion areas.
What I also noticed is the url: https://discussions.apple.com/backsoon/error.html
Hard to trouble shoot your iPhone 5s and why it won't back up with iOS 8.2 without some ideas first....