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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 18, 2009
I'm planning on buying myself a nice shiny new Mac next year around February time. I just cannot make my mind up if I should purchase a Mac Pro or an iMac.

I currently edit photos in Pixelmator/Photoshop, listen to my growing music collection and play certain games on my '08 Macbook Pro. The games I play include World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online and The Sims 3. I plan on playing Diablo III and StarCraft II in the future also.

The problem I have is I cannot make my mind up if spending all that extra cash on a Mac Pro is worth it just for gaming, as I love the look of the iMac. I believe the Mac Pro is more aimed at professionals doing Video Editing and Advanced 3D graphics design but Apple also market it for "The Ultimate Gamer".

I'm basically asking for your opinion on the matter. What would you do? For the extra cash I would splash on a Mac Pro I could get a lot of extra :apple: gear.

[I posted this under the iMac forum because I'm looking for opinions from people who own an iMac mainly]
I think diablo 3 doenst need high requirements since blizzard is also coming with a Mac edition.

An Imac quadcore i5 with the 4850 gpu will be fine is my guess..

but unfortunatly i dont have a cristal bowl on my table
Mac Pro is likely getting an update around February so I'd wait and see what's coming.

That is handy to know! Thank you for that.

I think diablo 3 doenst need high requirements since blizzard is also coming with a Mac edition.

An Imac quadcore i5 with the 4850 gpu will be fine is my guess..

but unfortunatly i dont have a cristal bowl on my table

I wish you did have a crystal ball :p. Thanks for that Siemenz.
I'm planning on buying myself a nice shiny new Mac next year around February time. I just cannot make my mind up if I should purchase a Mac Pro or an iMac.

I currently edit photos in Pixelmator/Photoshop, listen to my growing music collection and play certain games on my '08 Macbook Pro. The games I play include World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online and The Sims 3. I plan on playing Diablo III and StarCraft II in the future also.

The problem I have is I cannot make my mind up if spending all that extra cash on a Mac Pro is worth it just for gaming, as I love the look of the iMac. I believe the Mac Pro is more aimed at professionals doing Video Editing and Advanced 3D graphics design but Apple also market it for "The Ultimate Gamer".

I'm basically asking for your opinion on the matter. What would you do? For the extra cash I would splash on a Mac Pro I could get a lot of extra :apple: gear.

[I posted this under the iMac forum because I'm looking for opinions from people who own an iMac mainly]

The biggest problem with gaming on the Mac is how slowly Apple updates the bootcamp drivers. You end up getting the generic drivers and modding them to work (though sometimes the std ATI drivers just work unmodified).

For years I just maintained a separate Windows PC for gaming but I have pretty much moved to using bootcamp on my uMBP, iMac and older MacPro. The option to upgrade the GPU on the MacPro is appealing but while we've been given many new options, Apple frequently does not "support" the new card on the older MacPro (even if users determine it works). Additionally, you will end up flashing PC cards to work on the Mac if you want the latest GPU in your MacPro.

Unfortunately Mac just aren't the most flexible gaming rigs. For the games you're playing you will most likely be just fine but in general you could buy a 27" iMac and a nice gaming PC for what you'd pay for a MacPro.

Go with what the above poster said.

Get and Imac 27" and get a i5 PC with a 5850 or 5870 dedicated GPU, will blow a Mac Pro away for gaming. The added bonus is that you can plug the PC into the iMac 27" and use it as a Display (the new ATI cards have display port out.)

This way you get the best of both worlds.

The Mac pro is almost a year old and over priced for what you get.
I wouldn't even consider getting a Mac Pro to play games. The i5 27" iMac with the ATI 4850 card should be more than enough for your needs.
I don't use Bootcamp.

The biggest problem with gaming on the Mac is how slowly Apple updates the bootcamp drivers. You end up getting the generic drivers and modding them to work (though sometimes the std ATI drivers just work unmodified).

For years I just maintained a separate Windows PC for gaming but I have pretty much moved to using bootcamp on my uMBP, iMac and older MacPro. The option to upgrade the GPU on the MacPro is appealing but while we've been given many new options, Apple frequently does not "support" the new card on the older MacPro (even if users determine it works). Additionally, you will end up flashing PC cards to work on the Mac if you want the latest GPU in your MacPro.

Unfortunately Mac just aren't the most flexible gaming rigs. For the games you're playing you will most likely be just fine but in general you could buy a 27" iMac and a nice gaming PC for what you'd pay for a MacPro.


I don't use Bootcamp at present. All the games I play are in OSX :).

Edit: Thanks MH01 and Stonemann. The only thing that "worries" me is the screen resolution of the 27" with a mid-range graphics card.
iMac it is... But!

An i7 iMac will be fine for everything:D

Short and sweet, thanks!

Everyone seems to think an i5/i7 27" iMac would do me fine :). So now my question is, with the 27" having such a big (and nice) resolution, wouldn't the graphics card be a bottle neck and limit performance?
Short and sweet, thanks!

Everyone seems to think an i5/i7 27" iMac would do me fine :). So now my question is, with the 27" having such a big (and nice) resolution, wouldn't the graphics card be a bottle neck and limit performance?

For Gaming... Short answer is yes. A mobile 4850 just does not cut it at those high resolutions. The games you listed should be okay, but titles that will come out next year will stretch it big time.

If you follow gaming trends especially around the new GPUs released by ATI, thier performance smashes as mobile 4850. If you were building a gaming pc right now and wanted bang for your buck u would get the 5850.

That is why i would suggest investing in just a gaming PC and using the 27" as a monitor.
I don't use Bootcamp at present. All the games I play are in OSX :).

Edit: Thanks MH01 and Stonemann. The only thing that "worries" me is the screen resolution of the 27" with a mid-range graphics card.

That's funny. I've never even considered using OS X for games. I had forgotten they do make a few.

Regardless, the iMac with 4850 will be fine for now. However, for true performance gaming (with upgradability) a Windows PC with Windows versions of the games is the only way to go.

I think you would be happier with an iMac. Don't let figures about this or that individual component stop you from looking at the machine as a whole, and deciding if you like it as a whole.
iMac it is... For sure.

I've being trying to use Windows 7 again today. As much as it is a very big, nice and welcomed update to Windows (kudos to Microsoft); I still prefer the dock and the look/feel of OSX. So, an iMac it will be for me!
That's funny. I've never even considered using OS X for games. I had forgotten they do make a few.

Regardless, the iMac with 4850 will be fine for now. However, for true performance gaming (with upgradability) a Windows PC with Windows versions of the games is the only way to go.


I use OSX for games.
I use OSX for games.

I tried some rts games and could not play with my windows gaming friends so I gave up os x as a gaming platform. When we all get together I have the only mac. If cross platform LAN play was supported and all the games I play had os x versions i'd be more inclined to use os x games. Also many os x versions cost more.

I say buy an i7 iMac with the top GPU, and give the games a shot. You will definitely not have a problem with World of Warcraft (It's so old now!), and I would be very surprised if you had any problems playing Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 even on high graphics settings. If later, you want something better for games, just grab a nice, cheap PC (make it yourself!) with a great graphics card. That would deal with your gaming needs.

But there's no point in buying two computers unless you really need them! And just forget the Mac Pro. They are completely pointless for almost everyone.

I bought Crysis soon after it was released to run on my 2.2 MBP, knowing that I would have to run it n the very lowest graphics settings. It was still extremely fun. And moreover, I'm looking forward to getting a new computer in a year or so, and playing it again on High!
I'm planning on buying myself a nice shiny new Mac next year around February time. I just cannot make my mind up if I should purchase a Mac Pro or an iMac.

I currently edit photos in Pixelmator/Photoshop, listen to my growing music collection and play certain games on my '08 Macbook Pro. The games I play include World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online and The Sims 3. I plan on playing Diablo III and StarCraft II in the future also.

The problem I have is I cannot make my mind up if spending all that extra cash on a Mac Pro is worth it just for gaming, as I love the look of the iMac. I believe the Mac Pro is more aimed at professionals doing Video Editing and Advanced 3D graphics design but Apple also market it for "The Ultimate Gamer".

I'm basically asking for your opinion on the matter. What would you do? For the extra cash I would splash on a Mac Pro I could get a lot of extra :apple: gear.

[I posted this under the iMac forum because I'm looking for opinions from people who own an iMac mainly]

Being able to play diablo III and Starcraft 2 on the i7 imac is also whats holding me back lol. I'm also interested in playing call of duty MOW2 and was wondering if the imac could handle that with high settings/ good frame rates at like 1920x1080 resolution? anyone have any videos of their imac running MW2?

If an update for the GPU will be coming out sometime around march im willing to just wait but i really want to get this computer right now!
my 2 cents

get a base 27 imac and an xbox 360 / PS3

With this combination you get the best of both worlds. Nice computer for work / net and dedicated gaming machine for fun. Gaming is much more comfortable on a reclining chair with a controller that conforms to your hands. The Xbox 360 controller is so comfortable!! When you buy a xbox/ps3 you spend little time worrying about ram and specs and more time having fun. You also get waaaaay more options with a gaming console than a computer

10 - 15 years ago when I was playing Doom and Quake, gaming computers had their niche but that was then. I Just finished playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on a 110 inch screen. It blows away any computer gaming rig I can think of :)

get a base 27 imac and an xbox 360 / PS3

With this combination you get the best of both worlds. Nice computer for work / net and dedicated gaming machine for fun. Gaming is much more comfortable on a reclining chair with a controller that conforms to your hands. The Xbox 360 controller is so comfortable!! When you buy a xbox/ps3 you spend little time worrying about ram and specs and more time having fun. You also get waaaaay more options with a gaming console than a computer

10 - 15 years ago when I was playing Doom and Quake, gaming computers had their niche but that was then. I Just finished playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on a 110 inch screen. It blows away any computer gaming rig I can think of :)


But the way more options don't include games like Starcraft ii and diablo 3!!
get a base 27 imac and an xbox 360 / PS3

With this combination you get the best of both worlds. Nice computer for work / net and dedicated gaming machine for fun. Gaming is much more comfortable on a reclining chair with a controller that conforms to your hands. The Xbox 360 controller is so comfortable!! When you buy a xbox/ps3 you spend little time worrying about ram and specs and more time having fun. You also get waaaaay more options with a gaming console than a computer

10 - 15 years ago when I was playing Doom and Quake, gaming computers had their niche but that was then. I Just finished playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on a 110 inch screen. It blows away any computer gaming rig I can think of :)


Consoles are only good for certain games. I have played MW2 on a 360 and on my i7 running 2xSLI 275 and the I7 wins easily when it comes to game play and graphics, for first person shooters mouse and KB are still the best control methods, nothing beats the precision of mouse targeting.

Also get a Spanking new PC throw in a 5970 in it and connect it to a 110 screen and trust me, it creams a a xbox 360, just costs shiteload more.

Consoles are also crap at games like starcraft, WOW etc. For the OP needs a console is a no goer.

As for the 27" with the 4850, I think it will be fine for the new games coming out next year from Blizzard, Blizzard tend to create games that run on lower spec and they also play nice with OS X. So Starcraft and Diablo 3 should be fine. Wow is more CPU intensive then GPU.
Consoles are only good for certain games. I have played MW2 on a 360 and on my i7 running 2xSLI 275 and the I7 wins easily when it comes to game play and graphics, for first person shooters mouse and KB are still the best control methods, nothing beats the precision of mouse targeting.

QFT x 10. I can't think of a single game that I would not rather use a keyboard and mouse than a gamepad. I wish I could play iPod Touch games with keyboard and mouse :(

Also get a Spanking new PC throw in a 5970 in it and connect it to a 110 screen and trust me, it creams a a xbox 360, just costs shiteload more.

QFT again: Except disagree about the cost. Well, maybe if you get all that top-of the line stuff, but you don't need that. Even the best TVs are only 1080p, which when compared to something like the 27" iMac screen, is tiny. Therefore you don't need top of the line!

Consoles are also crap at games like starcraft, WOW etc. For the OP needs a console is a no goer.

QFT yet again. Imagine playing Starcraft 2 with an xbox game controller...

As for the 27" with the 4850, I think it will be fine for the new games coming out next year from Blizzard, Blizzard tend to create games that run on lower spec and they also play nice with OS X. So Starcraft and Diablo 3 should be fine. Wow is more CPU intensive then GPU.

And one final QFT. Just buy the damn iMac and be done with it! It will provide you with years of happy gaming, photography-ing and music-ing! The CPU is great! The GPU is good enough! It's all you need, go get it!!! :p
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