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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006

I wasn't sure where to post this, but i was wondering what sort of discount I would get if i opened a developer account and bought my Macbook?

And does anyone know if i could still get the Educational discount too?

I probably sound like a cheap - a$$ b*stard but i'm a poor student and need every break i can get!
As far as I know, there are no developer discounts, especially if you are talking free accounts and not the ones costing upwards of $1000 a year.

Just stick with student discount.
Tghe studen members ship gives you a one time discount. Here are the prices

13" macbook 1.83 - $989
13" macbook 2.0 - $1169
13" Black Mac Book - $1349
Apple doesn't offer any discount to free developer members, you would have to join the paid membership to receive the discount and you can't still use the educational discount on top of the developer discount, it is one or the other. Also you really aren't going to save much when you factor in the price of the developer membership and the price of your MacBook from the EDU store.
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