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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 21, 2009
Canberra, Australia
I've just received my long awaited 27" i7 iMac with the ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphics card and I'm going to buy a second display for a dual screen setup. My first thoughts are the 24" LED Apple Display or the 30" Cinema display (although the latter is way out of my price range and getting a tad outdated, so it's basically the 24" or nothing.)

I know this display (the 24" LED Display) is designed for the Apple laptops but I'm fairly sure I can connect it to my computer. Is this right?
Also, as the display has speakers and an iSight Camera, will I be able to utilise those when connected to my iMac?

I'm also wondering if an alternative would be a small television, but I don't know if Mac OS X would support the native Resolution?

Any help would be much appreciated.
Thankyou for your time.
small tv vs. ACD 24"

if you went with a small TV, the resolution would look like garbage next to your imac. One big difference between "computer monitors" and "TVs" in a general sense is the distance they're meant to be viewed from. Since TVs are meant to be viewed across the room, they have "larger pixels" (lower pixel density), and would look blurry if you sat 2 feet away. The imac has extremely high pixel density so it can remain crisp and clear when viewed from such a close distance.

The only reason to go with a tv would be for connectivity (connecting cable, blueray, etc). If that's what you'd like, I'd consider one of the nicer dell monitors which have great connectivity options.

Otherwise, I'd go with the ACD 24". It complements the imac well and if you like the imac display, it's more of the same quality and appearance. And it does connect and work great with the new imacs.
You could always buy a second 27" iMac (the cheapest model) and use the video in socket ... that way the two screens are the same size and same design, and you have a spare in case the main computer breaks down. ;)
I've decided against a tv, like you say mr.thedaniel, the pixel density will be horrible, and response times I'd imagine would be poor in comparison to 24" Apple Display.

What do you think about getting a dell 24" or 27". I'm not so sure about a 27" because I hear they usually have the resolution of a 24" monitor stretched to a 27" size.

If I were to get the 24" Apple Display (which is what i'm leaning towards), do you think it would be annoying having two screens of different sizes. What are your experiences?
My last setup included 2 x 20" Screens, and it got annoying just with the 2nd screen having an extra 8mm or so screen real estate from the the top bar being absent.
Again, thanks for any help!
I love my 24" ACD with my 27" iMac. I put all my chat windows in it because I find them a little too small on the 27" using Adium.

In any case, here's a crappy picture. :)

I love my 24" ACD with my 27" iMac. I put all my chat windows in it because I find them a little too small on the 27" using Adium.

In any case, here's a crappy picture. :)

It's a crappy picture, but I'm still drooling. I dig your rig.:)
It's a crappy picture, but I'm still drooling. I dig your rig.:)

Hah, thanks. :) I dig it, too. Whenever friends come over they tell me I don't have:

1.) Big enough screens.
2.) Enough screens.


At least I have a reason for it. Photography is my life (ironically, given this photo).
Hah, thanks. :) I dig it, too. Whenever friends come over they tell me I don't have:

1.) Big enough screens.
2.) Enough screens.


At least I have a reason for it. Photography is my life (ironically, given this photo).

Lol. It's never enough. I'm (barely) getting by with my 20" iMac and 24" external display.

Kidding about the crappy picture, by the way. It's better than anything I'd take with my iPhone.:D
Lol. It's never enough. I'm (barely) getting by with my 20" iMac and 24" external display.

Kidding about the crappy picture, by the way. It's better than anything I'd take with my iPhone.:D

Oh no need to kid. Yes it's better than anything you or I could take with our iPhones, but that really isn't saying much, since the iPhone camera is crap with a capital K!
This is my DREAM setup!

Unfortunately due to my rediculous usage and storage needs a mac pro is better suited for me :( I absolutely love the form factor of the iMacs though and next to the ACD it just looks so perfect@!
This is my DREAM setup!

Unfortunately due to my rediculous usage and storage needs a mac pro is better suited for me :( I absolutely love the form factor of the iMacs though and next to the ACD it just looks so perfect@!

What kind of storage do you need? I have 8TB accessible from my iMac over the network and locally...

I have these puppies on both my iMac and the ACD....

This picture is with my 500GB USB 2.0 2.5" drive, but now I have a 4TB Western Digital Studio Firewire800 setup as well, connected behind there, out of the way. :)

The old Dell 27"'s were the 24" resolution stretched, and weren't worth it. They did recently come out with a new 27" that's been talked about around these forums. It uses the same panel as the imac 27, just missing the LED backlighting. It does have a matte finish if that's what you prefer. So outside of a second 27 imac, or the 24" ACD, that'd probably be your next one to look at, and I believe it's a little cheaper. If it were me (hopefully it will be in a few months) I'd nab a refurbished ACD24", they go for $599 from apple when you can find em, and they pop up pretty often.
Thanks soooo much for the picture WilliamG. I can see now that the heigh of the 24" vs the 27" isn't that much smaller! I think now that i'll get the 24" ACD. Just got to get the money for it now!
Thanks everyone for your help! I really appreciate it!
Just another question:
How do you think the video card will go having to render two screens?
Will there be any lag or decrease in gaming performance?
I've got an ATI Radeon HD 4850.
Thanks very much.
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