Im looking for a good Verizon phone, I live in the bay area and get the best reception with them. Im considering phones based on features, and somewhat on looks.
I like the v3c cause its slim, and its relatively easy to uncripple bluetooth, e815 for features, but its fairly bulky. Ive never had an LG, but will consider them, and i dont think samsung has what im really looking for.
Phone will be used for talking, synching contacts, possibly calendar events, and it would be nice to be able to use DUN every now and than to check email.
Any insight? I wish I could ask the apple engineers what phones they use...
I like the v3c cause its slim, and its relatively easy to uncripple bluetooth, e815 for features, but its fairly bulky. Ive never had an LG, but will consider them, and i dont think samsung has what im really looking for.
Phone will be used for talking, synching contacts, possibly calendar events, and it would be nice to be able to use DUN every now and than to check email.
Any insight? I wish I could ask the apple engineers what phones they use...