Hi you guys,
First of all I want to apologise for this long post, I am a MAC newbie... Please bear with me...
If you've seen the mac adverts with PC and MAC, I must admit I was the guy that is PC, (although much better looking)... lol. Being in IT for the last 15-20 years, worked on mainframe computers and then the PC, I've promoted PCs for long enough.
I'm finally giving up on PCs! Yay I hear you say!
I'm an IT Manager working on only PCs and Windows Servers, I know everything about Hardware and Software on PCs and Servers but know little about MACs. What I do know, having played with other peoples MACs, is that it just works, like the advert says.
I recall working for a print house several years ago supporting hundreds of users on PCs but when it came to the design department they didn't need any support whatsoever EVER! Why? How? Probably because they were the only department to use MACs when everyone else used PCs and they supported themselves! Either that or nothing ever went wrong in the 4 years I worked for that company, in fact the only thing I ever had to do for them was to periodically buy them new equipment, for which they were forever appreciative of.
In recent years I've taken up photography and have a decent NIKON DSLR camera with all the gadgets etc. and I struggle with my PC, probably because its a 4 year old P4 3.0Ghz 1GB RAM but I have stacked it with 1.5TB of external Hard drives (which is nearly full).
Admittedly my PC is used for my IT work as well as my personal hobby, so I run development software and large databases on it as well as PhotoShop and LightRoom, running backups etc. and it grinds like crazy. I like my music and movies too, so I also have Dolby Digital sound on it and have several speakers and a subwoofer dotted around the room. Because of all this, I have untold cables running all over the place.
I've recently started doing Photgraphy on a more serious basis, (doing paid work), and my PC is slowing me down, I know I need to change it...
My brother in law just recently bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz, he's maxed out the ram and WOW, it's sexy, clean, very intuitive (having not used a MAC properly before) and everything just worked. He's not tried boot camp yet but from what I've seen of everything else I can't see it not working.
I have to admit I'm Impressed... I'm jealous... And I'm Worried... Worried not only because I, PC am contemplating buying a MAC but thinking about it, if I an IT Manager running hundreds / thousands of desktop computers am swinging towards leaving everything I know to go to a MAC, surely the general public will be too and maybe just maybe things may turn around and businesses will start to use MACs for day to day operations, because things just work and ditch the traditional PC.
Now I know that the majority of business applications are made for Windows but surely if trends are starting to swing to MAC then those businesses should start swinging also or at least explore possibilities of MACs overtaking PC, (eventually). This may be already happening but I'm not aware of it, although I know Microsoft have a number of applications that run on MAC.
My main worry is, if MACs take over, I'm out of a job!!! There'll be very little to support or manage. What do I do? Better get some more Photography courses and gigs in I think... lol.
I don't how you guys feel, you probably see more and more people turning to MAC from PC then I do, but I'm certainly feeling the changes without having much exposure to MAC at all... Question is... Is Apple as a company good / strong enough to make this happen...
Anyway, I hope I haven't bored you all...
I'm certainly considering buying a top end iMac as I like the idea of it all being in one big thing rather than it being everywhere around my room. But having done a bit of research, the graphics cards on the iMacs seem a bit low as I like my gaming. And I'm not so sure about the glossy screen when editing images, I could also do with more Hard Drive than the standard.
I considered the MAC Pro for the Quad Core power but its too expensive for my liking as yet and I want to get to grips with MACs before I let myself completely go crazy on one.
I am desperate to get a MAC now, but I have a feeling in my waters that there is soon to be a new updated iMac but no one is letting on anything, must be a MAC thing...
What do you think?
Anyway, this is me signing out.
Kindest regards
Irfan (a.k.a PC... or is it MAC now? No, I'm still PC... Until I get my MAC) Damn you apple, I'm having an identity crisis... Help!
First of all I want to apologise for this long post, I am a MAC newbie... Please bear with me...
If you've seen the mac adverts with PC and MAC, I must admit I was the guy that is PC, (although much better looking)... lol. Being in IT for the last 15-20 years, worked on mainframe computers and then the PC, I've promoted PCs for long enough.
I'm finally giving up on PCs! Yay I hear you say!
I'm an IT Manager working on only PCs and Windows Servers, I know everything about Hardware and Software on PCs and Servers but know little about MACs. What I do know, having played with other peoples MACs, is that it just works, like the advert says.
I recall working for a print house several years ago supporting hundreds of users on PCs but when it came to the design department they didn't need any support whatsoever EVER! Why? How? Probably because they were the only department to use MACs when everyone else used PCs and they supported themselves! Either that or nothing ever went wrong in the 4 years I worked for that company, in fact the only thing I ever had to do for them was to periodically buy them new equipment, for which they were forever appreciative of.
In recent years I've taken up photography and have a decent NIKON DSLR camera with all the gadgets etc. and I struggle with my PC, probably because its a 4 year old P4 3.0Ghz 1GB RAM but I have stacked it with 1.5TB of external Hard drives (which is nearly full).
Admittedly my PC is used for my IT work as well as my personal hobby, so I run development software and large databases on it as well as PhotoShop and LightRoom, running backups etc. and it grinds like crazy. I like my music and movies too, so I also have Dolby Digital sound on it and have several speakers and a subwoofer dotted around the room. Because of all this, I have untold cables running all over the place.
I've recently started doing Photgraphy on a more serious basis, (doing paid work), and my PC is slowing me down, I know I need to change it...
My brother in law just recently bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz, he's maxed out the ram and WOW, it's sexy, clean, very intuitive (having not used a MAC properly before) and everything just worked. He's not tried boot camp yet but from what I've seen of everything else I can't see it not working.
I have to admit I'm Impressed... I'm jealous... And I'm Worried... Worried not only because I, PC am contemplating buying a MAC but thinking about it, if I an IT Manager running hundreds / thousands of desktop computers am swinging towards leaving everything I know to go to a MAC, surely the general public will be too and maybe just maybe things may turn around and businesses will start to use MACs for day to day operations, because things just work and ditch the traditional PC.
Now I know that the majority of business applications are made for Windows but surely if trends are starting to swing to MAC then those businesses should start swinging also or at least explore possibilities of MACs overtaking PC, (eventually). This may be already happening but I'm not aware of it, although I know Microsoft have a number of applications that run on MAC.
My main worry is, if MACs take over, I'm out of a job!!! There'll be very little to support or manage. What do I do? Better get some more Photography courses and gigs in I think... lol.
I don't how you guys feel, you probably see more and more people turning to MAC from PC then I do, but I'm certainly feeling the changes without having much exposure to MAC at all... Question is... Is Apple as a company good / strong enough to make this happen...
Anyway, I hope I haven't bored you all...
I'm certainly considering buying a top end iMac as I like the idea of it all being in one big thing rather than it being everywhere around my room. But having done a bit of research, the graphics cards on the iMacs seem a bit low as I like my gaming. And I'm not so sure about the glossy screen when editing images, I could also do with more Hard Drive than the standard.
I considered the MAC Pro for the Quad Core power but its too expensive for my liking as yet and I want to get to grips with MACs before I let myself completely go crazy on one.
I am desperate to get a MAC now, but I have a feeling in my waters that there is soon to be a new updated iMac but no one is letting on anything, must be a MAC thing...
What do you think?
Anyway, this is me signing out.
Kindest regards
Irfan (a.k.a PC... or is it MAC now? No, I'm still PC... Until I get my MAC) Damn you apple, I'm having an identity crisis... Help!