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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 14, 2007
Both owners of new Minis and iMac owners have reported speaker popping coming from their Macs when connected to external speakers via the headphone jack on the Mac.

Personally I have had both an '09 Mac Mini as well as an early '09 iMac and both have the speaker popping. It is pretty easy to reproduce too. When waking up from sleep, opening iTunes, etc, there is a loud distinct 'pop' from the speakers.

I now know that it's not the speakers either, as I just replaced my five year old Logitech 5.1 setup with a new pair of AudioEngine A2 speakers, widely regarded as among the very best computer speakers currently on the market. Both speaker systems exhibit the same popping noise intermittently from the Mac.

Apple, you have a reputation for high end products, I would say that loud popping noises coming from your Macs, which could potentially hurt someones ears or damage their expensive speakers or headphone is simply unacceptable.

Please fix this!
i have a new imac and bose speakers but ive never had this problem

Are you connected via optical or analog input to your system? As I said, I've had two Macs and two sets of speakers and every combination have exhibited this problem.

I would recommend you do this;

1. Turn the speakers up to a moderate volume.

2. Put the Mac to sleep.

3. Wake the Mac up and open iTunes.

You will more than likely hear a pop come from your speakers.
Are you connected via optical or analog input to your system? As I said, I've had two Macs and two sets of speakers and every combination have exhibited this problem.

I would recommend you do this;

1. Turn the speakers up to a moderate volume. DID

2. Put the Mac to sleep. DID

3. Wake the Mac up and open iTunes. DID

You will more than likely hear a pop come from your speakers. NOPE

I used to have this very issue with some Audio Engine speakers as well. Then I stepped up to the Companion 5 Series which imho gets a bad wrap because they are more "Bose = mainstream" than some fanboys like. But golly they sound amazing. Anyway I'm not 100% this was the "fix" because once it was gone I didn't try to reproduce or analyze it any longer, but I think the USB connection from the Comp 5 Series speakers may have had something to with the pops going away. That all being said it does not seem this is a widespread issue. I have another iMac (4850) on it's way and will report if I have any sound problems/popping when I get that.
Yes, it must be the Audio Engine speakers, seeing as I've had the problem with Logitech speakers and a set of headphones as well. :rolleyes:

I know that others have this issue too seeing as there have been several threads about it.
Yes, it must be the Audio Engine speakers, seeing as I've had the problem with Logitech speakers and a set of headphones as well. :rolleyes:

I know that others have this issue too seeing as there have been several threads about it.

JM I'm not saying it's your A2's simply letting you know my experience with them was exactly as you are describing. I sure don't see to many threads about the latest iMacs having this popping sound but I do know it's an issue for some. I also know that "antipop" helped some people back in 2007/2008 when "speakers popping upon shut down/ turn on / sleep" was more widespread. Check out: if you try it and it works please let us know.
I don't want to load 3rd party software onto my box to fix a problem that Apple should be fixing.

I'm hoping at least a few other owners with this issue will chime in.
Are you connected via optical or analog input to your system? As I said, I've had two Macs and two sets of speakers and every combination have exhibited this problem.

I would recommend you do this;

1. Turn the speakers up to a moderate volume. Did

2. Put the Mac to sleep. Did

3. Wake the Mac up and open iTunes. Did

You will more than likely hear a pop come from your speakers. Yes

Yes, I heard a Pop when I woke up my iMac from sleep, but not when i opened iTunes. I also heard this same Pop with my Mac Mini and I live in a old house and it may be the circuitry in the house. I never really gave it much thought. To add to this, I do use a 5.1 Stereo Speaker System with this. And it is plugged in the back of the iMac.
Yes, using speakers over USB seems to fix the problem. What's odd is that there's absolutely no point to powering down the sound on a desktop system, it's always plugged in.
Ok, Here's the deal. I got on with Support at Apple and he walked me thru sleep then wake up, and yes it popped with med volume. He then had me remove my external speakers and use the internal speakers and re-do the test. No pop.

Then we hooked up a head set (I use Bose) and there is a slight pop when it wakes up from sleep. Not near as loud as my external speakers. However I have a wired remote to my Creative Labs 5.1 Speaker System and it is hooked on a hook on my desk. Their recommendation is if it bothers me that I should just turn off the speakers when I put it to sleep and that way when I turn it on from sleep it will not sound.

I usually do turn off the sound to save electricity anyway and that is why it has not been a big deal to me or for me to notice it. Once I turn on the iMac from sleep then i turn on the sound and there is no pop after that. Maybe that is your solution as well.

I also told him about that 3rd party software that does not allow the sound hardware to shut down when you put the iMac to sleep but then you are leaving the sound on all the time and that to me does not make good sense to do. So I will just turn off the sound and turn on the iMac then turn the sound on and everything will be hunky-dory.... as they say :D
I now know that it's not the speakers either, as I just replaced my five year old Logitech 5.1 setup with a new pair of AudioEngine A2 speakers, widely regarded as among the very best computer speakers currently on the market. Both speaker systems exhibit the same popping noise intermittently from the Mac.


Please don't take this the wrong way but I just lost all respect I had for you. AudioEngine A2 speakers are most certainly not among the very best computer speakers on the market, did you read that on Cnet or something? :confused:

From someone who is well versed in audio engineering, your statement was grossly inaccurate.

Please don't take this the wrong way but I just lost all respect I had for you. AudioEngine A2 speakers are most certainly not among the very best computer speakers on the market, did you read that on Cnet or something? :confused:

From someone who is well versed in audio engineering, your statement was grossly inaccurate.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over these reviews that all contradict what you are saying. Maybe instead of being a wise arse you could indicate what computer speakers are vastly superior.

So you're "well versed" in audio engineering? What do you do for a living? I'm an "actual" engineer.

As you can see, I didn't have to go to "CNET" for my reviews;,2817,2252545,00.asp

You'll notice a common trend in these reviews. They typically have things to say like;

Stereophile said:
I have never been more impressed with or more stunned by a component I've reviewed for Stereophile than I was with the Audioengine 2. The level of sound quality produced by this uncolored, detailed, articulate, and dynamic speaker, in all situations, was beyond reproach, and its ratio of value to cost borders on the criminal. It extended my enjoyment of music into a new realm of portability that I hadn't before thought possible. I can't think of a single reason why every reader of this magazine should not go out right now and buy a pair of Audioengine 2s


Madshrimps said:
the Audio Engine AE2 Desktop Speakers are a true piece of Audiophile engineering in the smallest physical enclosure I've ever seen or heard. Designed and constructed as if they should cost more or would be a larger speaker in another life, they are quite natural sounding

But I'm sure you know a lot more about audio than the editors of magazines like Stereophile, and I'm sure you know oodles more about what makes a good pair of computer speakers than the guys at Maximum PC who have literally reviewed thousands of them.

Here's a thought, you really don't know what the hell you're talking about, we'll just leave it there, all right? ;)
One word for you - - - Bose.

I've tested thousands of speakers, and the line you're referring to are nothing more than mediocre and gaudy gadgets that are nowhere close to their price tag.

Now, if you want to assign value to what the editors of some magazines have to say and some shills pumping up the product- - that's fine, but don't do so and expect anyone here to take you seriously.

But I'm sure you know a lot more about audio than the editors of magazines like Stereophile, and I'm sure you know oodles more about what makes a good pair of computer speakers than the guys at Maximum PC who have literally reviewed thousands of them.

Here's a thought, you really don't know what the hell you're talking about, we'll just leave it there, all right? ;)
One word for you - - - Bose.

I've tested thousands of speakers, and the line you're referring to are nothing more than mediocre and gaudy gadgets that are nowhere close to their price tag.

Now, if you want to assign value to what the editors of some magazines have to say and some shills pumping up the product- - that's fine, but don't do so and expect anyone here to take you seriously.

Bose? Really? Serious? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!! Bose have one thing going for them, superior marketing that convinces millions of people that their sub par performance is worth the inflated price tag.

I auditioned both the Blose Companion 3 and Blose Companion 5, and the Audio Engine speakers eat them for lunch. You've probably never even heard the Audio Engine speakers but you just had to pop into this thread to bash on them. Bravo.

Now get out of here unless you actually have something to contribute to the thread topic.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over these reviews that all contradict what you are saying. Maybe instead of being a wise arse you could indicate what computer speakers are vastly superior.

So you're "well versed" in audio engineering? What do you do for a living? I'm an "actual" engineer.

As you can see, I didn't have to go to "CNET" for my reviews;,2817,2252545,00.asp

You'll notice a common trend in these reviews. They typically have things to say like;


But I'm sure you know a lot more about audio than the editors of magazines like Stereophile, and I'm sure you know oodles more about what makes a good pair of computer speakers than the guys at Maximum PC who have literally reviewed thousands of them.

Here's a thought, you really don't know what the hell you're talking about, we'll just leave it there, all right? ;)

How do they compare with M-AUDIO - Studiophile AV 40 Speakers?
How do they compare with M-AUDIO - Studiophile AV 40 Speakers?

I've heard good things about M-Audio speakers, however the ones that I auditioned at the local upscale retailer were far too large for a computer desk top, or at least mine anyway. The Audio Engine A2 was 1/2 the size and sounded better in the mid and high frequencies, only succumbing in the lows.
I've heard good things about M-Audio speakers, however the ones that I auditioned at the local upscale retailer were far too large for a computer desk top, or at least mine anyway. The Audio Engine A2 was 1/2 the size and sounded better in the mid and high frequencies, only succumbing in the lows.

OK, Thanks.

I'll be getting a new iMac soon, and some good speakers are on my wish list.
One word for you - - - Bose.

I've tested thousands of speakers, and the line you're referring to are nothing more than mediocre and gaudy gadgets that are nowhere close to their price tag.

Now, if you want to assign value to what the editors of some magazines have to say and some shills pumping up the product- - that's fine, but don't do so and expect anyone here to take you seriously.

Holy Chit I just spit my water all over my screen I laughed so hard. Wow this place really does offer some great evening entertainment. Im no audiophile but I do know that bose systems are for the most part a joke. The old saying still holds true with bose. No highs no lows, must be bose!
Holy Chit I just spit my water all over my screen I laughed so hard. Wow this place really does offer some great evening entertainment. Im no audiophile but I do know that bose systems are for the most part a joke. The old saying still holds true with bose. No highs no lows, must be bose!

I don't think you can call them a joke. Overpriced? sure. Sure you can get something equivalent or better for less but I don't think you can say they suck. Still produces good sound.
Holy Chit I just spit my water all over my screen I laughed so hard. Wow this place really does offer some great evening entertainment. Im no audiophile but I do know that bose systems are for the most part a joke. The old saying still holds true with bose. No highs no lows, must be bose!

You know this to be fact? Or is it what you read? Can you even afford a set of higher end Bose speakers? I don't think you can because as the real old saying goes - once you go Bose you finally hear highs and lows. :D
I used to design and build high fidelity and PA speakers in the past and I can tell you Bose is a hoax. There's no replacement for displacement.
Let's get back on topic.

Anyone else report anything about the popping noise? I will probably make a Youtube vid of this tomorrow so people who say it doesn't happen to them can see what I'm talking about.
My mini pops as well. Glad to know its not just my mini.

And to the little boy who posted. I have a lifestyle 5 in my living room, it makes sound. When I got married I had to sell my Adcom/Logan two channel system. One of the many sacrifices going from a bachelor to the grown up world. I swear I will own logans again sooner or later
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