I purchased an ipad pro on Craigslist. I know what you're thinking, not a smart move. But everything was fine, set it up with a new apple id and everything was peachy. The problem is, I was just starting a divorce, and my wife came to my place while I wasn't there and told my roommate she was there to take my stuff because her lawyer said she could. Long story short, she reset the ipad to sell it, but after a year of fighting the divorce in court, was ordered to return it as I still owe for a loan I took out to pay for it. I have forgotten the email I used to set it up and the Apple Id I created, (I wrote it down so I didn't have to) and Apple is refusing to tell me anything or unlock it. They said they can't prove it's my account. I offered to go to the police and they can call and verify who I am, but they said they can't verify that it's my account even though it is signed up under my name and birthdate and everything. What can I do.....?!?