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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
Greater Manchester UK
So I just upgraded to Yosemite.

Obviously I have to re-sign into all of my Apple ID stuff.

I sign into itunes, App store etc with the correct account and all seems good, takes the correct email and password, lets me into view my apple ID, edit, security etc.

When I try to download updates from the app store though, it throws up a box asking me to log in again for each update (pic attached) but the email address in this box isn't my Apple ID email address, so it obviously won't take the password.

I don't even know how the hell it's gotten hold of this other email address as I hardly use it for anything, and I can't see a way of entering my correct email over it.

While this is going on I keep logging out and back in again with the correct email & password, but when I try again to updte my apps, it keeps throwing up this box with the unchangeable rogue email address.

Driving me nuts. Little help?



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Do you by any chance have another Apple ID with which you purchased content on iTunes? I had the same problem with an app I bought with another iTunes account. When I set up my Mac again, I had to authorise with that other Apple ID as well. Your iOS device might be downloading apps with another Apple ID and then those are synced to your iTunes library. Since you cleared all authorisations, you removed the one for that iTunes account as well.
Ummm.... maybe? I don't remember doing that though...

How do I get rid of it then?

Well, you have to authorise your Mac with that Apple ID, assuming that’s the case. If it’s one of your e-mail addresses anyway then whats the harm signing in?

Check your iOS device and see which iTunes account it uses for purchases. If it is indeed different then it means that your apps have been bought with a different Apple ID and that requires authorisation if you intend to use the App Store on your Mac to update your apps.

If it’s not different then it might be that you’ve changed your Apple ID at some point and it thus only affects certain apps. In that case you could check every single app (iTunes: right-click on an app > Get Info > File) and see with which Apple ID it was purchased. If it’s only a few (free) apps, you might consider downloading those again with your other Apple ID or deleting them altogether if they’re not needed anymore.

Apple IDs are a mess and stuff like this happens. If you did mix up your Apple IDs and used several for your iTunes purchases then there’s unfortunately no way around it.
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