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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2022
I have my current phone number enabled as 2FA. I already have a very strong password in place. I do not know it by heart and I store it on Keychain across all my Apple devices (MacBook and an iPhone).

If I lose / get stolen one or the other, I can use locate / erase the lost device easily, buy a new one and add it back to my AppleID account.
If I lose both at the same time, how can I access my Apple ID account?

I see I can generate a recovery key but it is not recommended as if it's lost I will never be able to get back into my account. The only other option is to assign a safe contact of my choice. How does this work? Can the person reset or access my account without my consent? Are there other options?

Thanks all
It's safe. All the Recovery Contact can do is read back to you the six-digit recovery code that Apple will generate when you ask for that person to help.

Another option is to add some trusted phone numbers to your account via Can have Apple call one of those numbers with the code when requested. So, again, some one you trust, work/alternate number you might have, or personal landline (if anyone still has one of those things).
Have the password in a safe place off of those devices, and add a Trusted Phone Number that is not your iPhone. Without those two steps, you’re looking at Account Recovery if you lose the devices (and therefore the password) even if you get the Trusted Number back on a new device.

Oh, and Recovery Key - if you don’t have an ABSOLUTE, FOOL-PROOF system to ensure that you’ll NEVER lose the recovery key… don’t do that 🤣
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Have the password in a safe place off of those devices, and add a Trusted Phone Number that is not your iPhone
What do you mean with the password? I think you meant the recovery key, don‘t you?

And my standard iPhone Number is already entered there - is it better to remove it?
this so measynyour going to do on Apple site, just use the  (option+shift+k) in passwords on Apple websites! Those cheap Linux/MS users/scammers can't of that symbol with jumping through hacks each tome!
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